Win a Reading w/Mercedes
$25.55 usd
Want a reading with me? Enter this contest to win an Emergency Angel Card/Tarot reading with me in July This is a ($251 value).
One lucky winner will be chosen randomly by pulling names out of a bucket, on live July 3rd. The more virtual tickets you buy the more chances you have to win.
Just buy your virtual ticket, email proof of purchase & your Instagram name to: [email protected]. Then tune in to my live on Instagram, July 3rd at 11am PST for the winner to be chosen.
Do you need lights set for you? Do you want a candle burned for something specific? Need a love spell tailored to your needs? Need protection work done? You’re in the right place. I do not perform dark or black magick of any kind. Please pay here. Then send your petition and proof of purchase to [email protected]
You are paying for (1) Custom spell. Additional spells are $555 each depending on the spell, it can go up to $888 or more. It depends on your situation.
I perform spells of all kind. Jail & Court spells are $888 & up. Please text if you need court or jail work. Please text 323.362.3362 if you have questions.
Spells I offer for $555.55
– Money
-Open Road
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
Want to be our Be Good Bestie? Sign up here to get exclusive access to our online groups, exclusive live chats, meet other VIP BeGood’s, get exclusive sales & discounts, get Pre-Sale access to Be Good Days & more. All you have to do is pay the monthly ***membership here. Then send us a DM on Instagram at (@begoodbesties) with your proof of purchase & request to follow the page. We will add you within 24hrs. Can’t wait to chat with you!
CEO of Be Good Organix
***All payments are due on the 1st day of the month to continue to receive access to the group. You may pay here. Payments are not accepting after the first. No exceptions.
Would you like a mini dowsing reading? Do you need confirmation? Would you like me to advise you regarding a particular concern or question? Book here for a mini dowsing reading.
Directions: After paying, send proof of purchase via Instagram DM (mshealthycanbegood) & up to 5 questions. I will reply within 24-48hrs. Monday-Friday only. My reply will be done via video. I will also provide you with a spiritual prescription (what you need on my website to fix whatever issue you have).
You can book this service weekly or daily
Do you have health concerns? Need spiritual healing? Sign up for this spell to bring healing and peace to your body.
Directions: Sign up here then send your petition to [email protected]
Miracle Healing Petition Sample
First & Last Name:
Birth Date: M/D/Y
Petition sample: I am so grateful to be healed from sickness, illness, stress, depression and anxiety. Thank you God for healing me from (insert illness here). I am in good health and good spirits. My health continues to get better & better. Amen
Spell starts every Monday & goes on for 7 days. Spell will be posted to our Instagram account. This is a virtual spell. No products will be shipped.
Want your magick to ship before 14 business days? Upgrade to VIP Express shipping. For a fee of *$55.55 your order will be processed & ship Priority Mail in **48hrs.
*Please be advised this fee is in addition to regular shipping charges.
** Orders are processed Monday -Friday only excluding weekends & holidays. If ordering during a holiday or weekend, order will be processed the next business day .
Every Sunday, pay it forward to spirit to receive blessings during the week.
Want to learn more about the Law of Attraction and how to manifest easier? Tune in, Saturday, March 13, 2021 at 2pm, California time on Zoom as I share my personal tips and tricks. I will tell my story about how I started applying the Law of Attraction to my life and how I mastered it in 3 years. I’ve created a whole new life for myself and my family in just 3 years. Tune in to my Zoom session so I can show you how you can too.
Zoom code will be given via email or text a couple days before the class. This is ONE session.
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
So many of you loved my Versace robe I wore in Boston, I wanted to give you the opportunity to win one of your very own.
All you have to do is buy your ticket and leave your Instagram name in the comments at checkout. You can buy as many tickets you want to increase your chance of winning. Your name will be entered in the drawing for every ticket you buy. All proceeds from the drawing will be added to the Be Good Organix Georgia store Fund.
Winner will be announced on Live on our Instagram @begoodorganix at 12pm PST Thanksgiving Day.
Good Luck y’all 💚
CEO of Be Good Organix
*The size of the robe is a Large*
Winner will be responsible for paying for shipping via FedEx or UPS. Robe will ship the week of December 1st.
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