Virtual Mini Reading (5-6) cards or Mini Spiritual Consultation
Would you like a mini reading? Do you need confirmation? Would you like me to advise you regarding a particular concern or question? Book here for a mini reading, which is a 5-6 card spread or a mini spiritual consultation.
Directions: After paying, send proof of purchase via Instagram DM (mshealthycanbegood). I will reply within 24-48hrs with your reading. If you have any straight questions you want to ask, please mention when providing proof of purchase. My reply will be done via video. I will also provide you with a spiritual prescription (what you need on my website to fix whatever issue you have) if you’re booking a mini consultation.
You can book this service weekly or daily.
Do you need someone to talk to? Need life advice? Prayer? Look no further and book my mother for a Mental Wellness session. With over 60 years of life experience, 3 kids and a background in mental health and wellness, allow my mother to give you advice and tools to help you gain more positivity and a will to move forward. I am so blessed to have a mother like her and I’m happy to share her with all of you.
Directions: Book here, then text proof of purchase and availability to 3233623362. I will reply with your session date and time. This is a 35-60 min session.
Want to be our Be Good Bestie? Sign up here to get exclusive access to our online groups, exclusive live chats, meet other VIP BeGood’s, get exclusive sales & discounts, get Pre-Sale access to Be Good Days & more. All you have to do is pay the monthly ***membership here. Then send us a DM on Instagram at (@begoodbesties) with your proof of purchase & request to follow the page. We will add you within 24hrs. Can’t wait to chat with you!
CEO of Be Good Organix
***All payments are due on the 1st day of the month to continue to receive access to the group. You may pay here. Payments are not accepting after the first. No exceptions.
Do you need to manifest more money? Need and increase in sales from customers? Does someone owe you money? Sign up for this 7 day money spell to attract money, discounts and more.
Directions: Sign up for the spell here. Then send your petition to [email protected] & text 323.362.3362 with proof of purchase Petition sample is listed below. Spell will start Sunday or Thursday. Whichever day is sooner. This is a virtual spell. No products will be shipped.
Money Petition Sample
First & Last name
Birthdate: (Month, Day & Year)
Petition: I am so grateful that money flows to me effortlessly. I am so happy I have more than enough money to pay my bills in full with love. I am a money magnet. Money comes to me from known & unknown sources. Blessings & favor overflow for me. I want for nothing. Myself & my family are provided for. I have no worries. My fridge stays stocked with good food, my bank account is always in the positive. I make more money than I spend & I know how to budget & spend my money wisely. People go out of their way to save me money. I get discounts everywhere. Money works for me & everything works in my favor. I’m grateful to receive large sums of money. I am a money magnet. Amen.
Do you need lights set for you? Do you want a candle burned for something specific? Need a love spell tailored to your needs? Need protection work done? You’re in the right place. I do not perform dark or black magick of any kind. Please pay here. Then send your petition and proof of purchase to [email protected]
You are paying for (1) Custom spell. Additional spells are $555 each depending on the spell, it can go up to $888 or more. It depends on your situation.
I perform spells of all kind. Jail & Court spells are $888 & up. Please text if you need court or jail work. Please text 323.362.3362 if you have questions.
Spells I offer for $555.55
– Money
-Open Road
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
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