Selenite Pyramid
$55.55 usd
What is Orgone?
Inside this Selenite Orgone pyramid there is a Clear Quartz crystal point surrounded by copper to intensify the flow of energy. Orgone products are powerful spiritual tools that can be used to enhance all areas of your life – physical, mental, emotional & spiritual. They can best be described as transmitters of universal light energy, also known as source energy. This is the animating force behind all creations & has the capacity to automatically transform lower vibrational energy into positive vibrational energy creating a higher, more balanced & healthy state of being.
What is Selenite?
One of the few crystals that never needs to be cleansed. Selenite is known for its almost unique gift to cleanse and recharge itself, its surrounding area and other crystals. Just place the crystal you want to clean by its side and leave it there for as long as you deem necessary. Some believe it can clean a crystal in only 15 minutes. Crystals love to be around it, so the longer you leave them there, the happier they will be. This legendary crystal is also well known for its healing powers. Great for meditation & cleansing the energy of a room.
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