Open Road mini candle
$75.55 usd
Do you need doors opened to opportunities?
Write your petition and place it underneath the candle and start the burn on a Thursday to remove blockage and open doors. Keep burning daily. Repeat spell to keep doors open for you. Do not leave candle burning unattended. Toss candle on trash when burning is complete.
(6) Mini Dressed Taper candles
Allegedly use these candles to bring more money & abundance to you.
Great to use alone or inside the travel case or on top of your personal honey jar.
Do you want to manifest more money? Do you want to manage & save money easier? Do you want to exude wealth?Use this candle. It will help you practice better money management habits while helping you grow your money like Mercedes. Write your petition (desires) on a piece of paper with your first, last name and birthdate. Then place your petition underneath the candle and burn on a Thursday or Sunday after a new moon to attract money to you.
Green Spelled Don Dinero 7 knob Candle. For ritual work involving wealth, luck, success and gambling. 7 Knob candles are often called wishing candles. They are one of the most famous magickal candles sold. An entire candle can be used for one wish, burning one knob daily for seven days. Start on a Thursday after a new moon. Write your desires on a piece of parchment paper or regular paper and place under the candle before it is lit. The candle can also be used for 7 different wishes by pinning separate papers to each knob and burning daily. As that knob melts away, the wish is consumed and favorable vibrations set up which work towards its fulfillment.
Want to try my mini candles? Try this sampler. Sampler comes with:
(2) Open Road tea lights
(2) Money candles
(1) Fast Luck candle
(1) Come to Me candle
Directions: Get a saucer & place your candle on top of the saucer. Write your petition then place it underneath the saucer. Burn the candles after a new moon on a Thursday or Sunday
(6) Mini Dressed Taper candles
Allegedly use these candles to remove blockage and open doors for success & happiness
Great to use alone or inside the travel case or on top of your personal honey jar.
These candles will come dressed in oils, herbs, etc. relating to your specific desire.
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
Want to start a business or increase your income from your business & get more customers Use this kit that includes the following:
(2) Better Business candles
(1) (3) day Better Business bath soak (make it a scrub by mixing with our Body wash)
(3) Crystals ( Green Aventurine, Citrine & Flower Agate)
(1) Gold Hundred dollar bill
Directions: Write your petition then place it underneath the tray. Add sunflower petals to the tray & place the candle & crystals on the tray. Start burning the purple candle first after a new moon on a Thursday. After the purple candle is burned all the way down. Start burning the green candle using the same method listed above. You can use the same petition. Each day you leave, feel free to carry the crystals with you as they will be charged from the candle spell.
(1) Hand-filled Intentional Crystal Ballpoint pen-Prosperity
Filled with real crystals that can help you manifest prosperity & abundance. Use this as a daily writing pen to write down your goals & plans, write out manifestation checks, or even your daily to do list. Be intentional as you write & watch your goals materialize.
***If ordered separately, ships immediately.
Malachite. Malachite is a stone of balance, abundance, manifestation and intention. Malachite absorbs energy and draws emotions to the surface. It clears and activates all Chakras, and is especially helpful in the stimulation of the Heart and Throat Chakras.
Do you need help fast? Saint Expedite is a powerful and efficacious spirit, turned to throughout the globe for quick results and material intercession, especially in the case of emergencies. Most famed for delivering fast cash and bringing a swift end to lawsuits and bureaucratic nonsense, he can also be called upon to expedite the results of other magical work and prayed to for all manners of manifesting results.
Place this statue on your altar to invoke the St. Expedite spirit. Comes dressed with our St. Expedite oil.
Pyrite can help to forge an energetic connection between the Root, Solar Plexus, and Third Eye Chakras, which helps to bring ideas from the higher self down through the seat of the will, and ground it into reality. Pyrite is often used in prosperity rituals, due to its stimulating energies of manifestation. Pyrite has long been valued as a strong protection stone that shields the wearer from negative energy as well as environmental pollutants. Thus, this stone helps promote physical well-being as well. Pyrite is one of the best feng shui stones for attracting the energy of wealth and abundance (another popular crystal for wealth is citrine)
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
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