Money & Uncrossing Duo
Do you need spiritual cleansing and doors opened to money? Sign up for our duo now.
Directions: Pay here them send your petitions to [email protected]. See below for sample petitions. Spells will be done on Instagram live
Money Petition Sample
First & Last name
Birthdate: (Month, Day & Year)
Petition: I am so grateful that money flows to me effortlessly. I am so happy I have more than enough money to pay my bills in full with love. I am a money magnet. Money comes to me from known & unknown sources. Blessings & favor overflow for me. I want for nothing. Myself & my family are provided for. I have no worries. My fridge stays stocked with good food, my bank account is always in the positive. I make more money than I spend & I know how to budget & spend my money wisely. People go out of their way to save me money. I get discounts everywhere. Money works for me & everything works in my favor. I’m grateful to receive large sums of money. I am a money magnet. Amen.
Uncrossing Petition Sample
First & Last name:
Date of birth Date/Month/Year:
Petition: I am so grateful to have a peaceful mind & peaceful heart. I am so grateful to have negativity & negative energy removed from my body, mind & soul. Everything is good in my world. My family & I are healthy, happy, provided for. All of my financial affairs are in order. I have great communication with everyone in my life. Everything is working for my highest good. Blockage & stagnation is removed from my life. Goodness & peace flow freely to me & through me. My spirit is cleansed & protected so I don’t dwell on the past or worry about the future. I am blessed. I let go of addictions, limiting behavior & doubt. I replace them with Hope & blessings. Amen.
Happy Super Full Moon in Capricorn! This is the most powerful full moon of 2022! So of course I’m doing a community prosperity ritual. What do you desire? What do you want to manifest in the next 6 months to a year?? Sign up for the ritual to put good energy behind your intentions.
Directions: Pay here. Then send your petition (your desires) to [email protected].
Ritual will be done on Instagram live at 9:35pm (Cali time)
Click Here
Do you want me to continue burning the candle for you after the group spell is over? Upgrade to the (7) day Money Candle burn.
After the regular spell is done, I will keep your petition underneath the candle & let the candle burn for an additional 7 days. More burn days means more movement toward money & open doors.
After paying please email [email protected] with your full name & proof of purchase.
Do you need help with a petition? Let Mercedes write it for you. Sign up here then text the Be Good line at 323.362.3362, with the following information listed below:
Proof of Purchase
First and Last name
Desires ( What you want)
I will reply in 24-48hrs with your petition. There is a charge for each petition. This covers (1) petition. If you need multiple petitions this service needs to be purchased multiple times.
This ritual will help open doors to luck, wealth, love, good health and more faster.
Just sign up here, then send your petition (what you want. Your first, last name & full date of birth) to [email protected].
Need to stop drinking, smoking, overeating? Addicted to a bad relationship? Sign up for this spell.
Pay then send your petition (what you would like to release that’s an addiction) with your first and last name, birthdate to [email protected]
Sample Petition
Addiction Petition Sample
Name: First & Last
Date of Birth: Month, Date & Year
God/Universe please heal me from this addiction (enter name of addiction). I am
grateful to to be healed of my addiction. I now live a healthy, wealthy life full of purpose and vitality. My body is healed and so is my mind. Amen.
Spell will be done on Instagram live @begoodorganix
Do you want to appear more attractive? Want to stand in your divine feminine? Do you want to enhance your beauty? Sign up for this glamour spell to enhance your attractiveness & self confidence.
Directions: Write your petition then send it to [email protected]
Spell will be done live or posted in my Patreon & Be Good besties group.
Sign up for this High John the Conqueror ritual to gain strength and confidence. Also excellent in helping with legal matters.
Include your full name, birthday & petition (what you would like) in an email and send it to [email protected]
Spell will be done on Instagram live at 9:35pm (Cali time)
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