Use this book to manifest larger income, A marriage, becoming an entrepreneur, etc. Green Aventurine crystals are great to help with manifestation. Includes (1) green aventurine crystal and (1) book
Hand-filled Intentional Crystal Ballpoint pen-Money
Filled with real crystals & money that can help you manifest prosperity & abundance. Use this as a daily writing pen to write down your goals & plans, write out manifestation checks, or even your daily to do list. Be intentional as you write & watch your goals materialize.
***If ordered separately, ships immediately.
Green Aventurine Star
Clear Quartz Star
Jade Heart
Want to learn more about the Law of Attraction and how to manifest easier? Tune in, Saturday, March 13, 2021 at 2pm, California time on Zoom as I share my personal tips and tricks. I will tell my story about how I started applying the Law of Attraction to my life and how I mastered it in 3 years. I’ve created a whole new life for myself and my family in just 3 years. Tune in to my Zoom session so I can show you how you can too.
Zoom code will be given via email or text a couple days before the class. This is ONE session.
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
Allegedly place this pack in your wallet, bra or pocket to keep money coming to you & manifest larger denominations of money. Layer your own $100 bill over the dressed $1 bill. Do not remove from your wallet. You can also place this in your pocket or bra, daily.
Packed with florals, oils & a blessed $1 bill.
Abundance checks are mostly used to attract more money. However, abundance in itself is not only about money. It can be manifested in many ways such as gifts, compliments, a fantastic job offer, a new friend, a free lunch, winning a vacation, receiving free guidance from a co-worker etc. This means that you can write a check of abundance to attract anything you want, including perfect health, general well-being, and a wonderful partner. An abundance check is simply a tool that can help you improve any area of your life. But how does it work? Often, when we think about what we want, we actually think about the absence of what we desire. We are thereby vibrating the absence of our dream! To change this, it can be a very good idea to write a check of abundance and then get off the subject and let the Universe take care of the rest!
Yes, as you write your check of abundance, you can choose between writing ”PAID IN FULL”, or write out the exact amount that you want to manifest into your life. To write ”PAID IN FULL” is to go more general. This approach can be very helpful in getting abundance in any area of your life.
If you have an inner resistance, it is always best to leave out a specific amount and go more general. Many of us have subconscious beliefs that we are not worthy and don’t deserve the things that we want. This is why it can be a good idea to just write “paid in full”. However, if you want to give it a shot, you could write down an amount that you feel comfortable with. Just be playful. You don’t need to enter an astronomical amount if you don’t want to, but you could start with a few hundred dollars. It is all about practice and feeling comfortable as you write abundance checks. Needless to say, if you want more money (assuming you have little or no resistance), it can be useful to write down the exact amount on your abundance check. This will enhance your focus and point of attraction.
Furthermore, it is probably a good idea to only write out the dollar amount, not the cents. You want to feel ease and flow during this abundance check ritual, without getting caught up in any unnecessary details.
4. WRITE “PAID IN FULL” OR A SPECIFIC AMOUNT – Write ”PAID IN FULL” or write out the amount on the line underneath your name – where you would write out a dollar amount.
In order to make it feel as real as possible, write out the dollar amount at the beginning of the line, and draw a line from the point of your last letter, to the end of any space left. This is how you would write an ordinary check to prevent someone from changing the amount, and writing abundance checks is all about making it as ”real” as possible. If you can feel that it has already happened, then the Universe will bring it to you. The Universe is responding to your energy, and can’t tell the difference if you are imagining your dream or if you are living it. You create with your vibration, and the Universe delivers whatever you vibrate!
5. WRITE WHAT THE ABUNDANCE IS FOR – If you decided to go general and wrote “PAID IN FULL” in the dollar field, you could use the “Memo” or “For” field located at the bottom left of the check. Here you can write something more specific on what the abundance is for. For example, you can write “For Perfect Health” or “For Limitless Abundance”.
If you wrote a specific amount on the check, you can also use this “Memo” or “For” field to write what the money is intended for: “For My Dream House” or “For My Dream Trip”…the sky is the limit!
6. SIGN THE CHECK ” THE LAW OF ABUNDANCE” – If it is not already pre-printed, sign the check “The Law of Abundance”. (Some people may prefer writing “The Universe”, “God”, or “The Law of Attraction”.)
7. THE DATE FIELD IS OPTIONAL – You can leave the date blank or put the date when you wrote the check. Since we are talking about dates, remember that if you are to write a New Moon Abundance Check, it needs to be done within 24 hours after the New Moon phase begins!
8. SIGN YOUR NAME AT THE BACK OF THE CHECK –just like you would endorse a check. This will give the Universe a signal that you are ”preparing it for deposit”. Don’t forget to write ”thank you” under your name to enhance your signal. To write ”thank you” is a way to say to the Universe that the abundance has already been manifested and that it is there for you (now).
9. NOW YOUR CHECK IS READY – STORE IT IN A SAFE PLACE – You could put it in your wallet, or in a place where you can see your abundance check everyday. Seeing it daily is probably the most powerful way as it would work as an affirmation. Just believe and feel that you have the abundance right now!
Comes with coin. Bracelet no longer in stock
(1) Hand-filled Intentional Crystal Ballpoint pen-Prosperity
Filled with real crystals that can help you manifest prosperity & abundance. Use this as a daily writing pen to write down your goals & plans, write out manifestation checks, or even your daily to do list. Be intentional as you write & watch your goals materialize.
***If ordered separately, ships immediately.
Place this pack in your wallet to keep money coming to you. Do not remove from your wallet.
Packed with florals, oils & a blessed $1 bill.
Want a Sugar Daddy but don’t want to give up any sugar? Want people to give you money, favors and gifts? Allegedly use this jar for people to give you money.
Introducing “Intentional Jars”. These jars are dressed the same way we dress our candles. Just place your petition inside the jar and shake daily to assist in manifesting your desires.
Want to learn more about crystals & their uses? Buy this crystal book set that includes this book and (3) crystals.
In this book, you will find crystal grids, crystal prescriptions, details on popular crystals & so much more.
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