High John the Conqueror Candle Mini’s (6)
$101.11 usd
Burn these High John the Conqueror candles to gain strength and confidence. Also excellent in helping with legal matters.
Directions: Write your petition (your desires, with your first, last name & full birthdate) on a piece of paper then place it under the candle. Start burning the candle on a Tuesday.
Use this candle to get a job, get a raise or keep your job. Also great for obtaining new customers if you own a business.
Directions: Write your petition then place it underneath the candle. Burn on a Thursday.
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
Want things to go better in your life? Need life to be sweeter to you? Start burning this candle DAILY on a Friday after a new moon. Life will start to become sweeter and things will start going in your favor.
Directions: Write your petition (what you want) and place it underneath your candle. Start burning this candle daily after a new moon, starting on Friday. After candle is done burning, you can save the wax or toss it. Repeat the spell with a new candle to keep life sweet.
We are currently in Mars retrograde until January 2023. Do you want it to go smoother for you? Burn this candle daily to keep things moving smoothly, keep stagnation at bay & the door open for opportunity & blessings.
Directions: Write your petition then place it underneath the candle. Place the candle on our altar tray or a saucer. Start burning daily. Burn until February 2023.
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
Want things to go better in your life? Need life to be sweeter to you? Start burning these candles DAILY on a Friday after a new moon. Life will start to become sweeter and things will start going in your favor.
Directions: Write your petition (what you want) and place it underneath your candle. Start burning these candles daily after a new moon, starting on Friday. After candle is done burning, you can save the wax or toss it. Repeat the spell with a new candle to keep life sweet.
Allegedly burn 7 Day Hummingbird Candle to enrich your life and relationship so that your lover will want only you and your relationship will be forever honest and true. Also used to removes all misfortune and bad luck from your life.
Anybody who wants a long-term love relationship can use this candle. Chuparosa is also appropriate for rekindling, bringing more love in a current relationship, with an old flame or mending fences with an estranged love partner.
Directions: Write your petition & place it underneath the candle. Burn the candle on a Friday after a new moon.
Need a custom candle for a special purpose? Order this custom candle. Leave your request in the comments at checkout. Candle will be made & ship in (21) business days after the new moon.
We are currently in Mars retrograde until January 2023. Do you want it to go smoother for you? Burn these candles daily to keep things moving smoothly, keep stagnation at bay & the door open for opportunity & blessings.
Directions: Write your petition then place it underneath the candle. Place the candle on our altar tray or a saucer. Start burning daily. Burn until February 2023.
Want to increase business? Write your desires on a piece of paper with your full name & business name. And your petition. Place underneath the candle & burn it on a Thursday or Sunday to bring more customers to you.
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
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