Good Luck Talisman Duo (Lucky Hand, Seal of Good Luck)
$22.22 usd
14K Gold Plated Talisman & Prayer in mojo bag- From the 6th & 7th Books of Moses. Are you contantly having bad luck? Increase your fortune in games of chance by carrying or wearing the Seal of Play Good Luck & Games
(1) Amethyst Ring (One size fits most)
Amethyst is a natural tranquiliser, it relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. Alleviates sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethyst activates spiritualawareness, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities.
Amethyst is a powerful and protective crystal, and is a first choice of many metaphysicians and crystal lovers. It forms in points, geodes or cathedrals and can be polished into various shapes as well as tumbled smooth.
Amethyst was used in ancient times to recover from both physical addictions as well as addictive relationships, and became known as the “stone of sobriety”.
A natural stress reliever, Amethyst encourages and supports inner strength.
The strong healing energy of Amethyst can transmute lower vibrations to higher frequencies, transforming negative energy to love energy.
Amethyst connects the physical plane with higher realm, making it a good choice when working with the Third Eye Chakra. Amethyst also provides a wonderful peaceful energy for meditations, and helps with developing intuition and psychic abilities.
Amethyst opens and activates the Crown Chakra, allowing easier access to the divine. Amethyst enhances spiritual awareness and spiritual wisdom, promoting a higher state of consciousness. Amethyst clears and repairs holes in the aura and draws in Divine energy, as well as aligning and fostering cooperation between the energy bodies.
Physically, Amethyst can help to alleviate headaches and migraines. It dispels nightmares and helps with insomnia. Amethyst can also reduce eyestrain, especially when working at a computer.
Over time Amethyst will fade in the sunlight so don’t cleanse using sunlight.
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
Worry not, and ease into a calmer state of mind with the help of these calming stones. Worry stones offer a beneficial natural treatment for anxiety, stress, and tension.
Through a process called acupressure, rubbing the stones between your fingers or palms stimulate numerous nerve endings. These points are called pressure points and connect to meridians within our bodies which can stimulate aspects of the brain.
Endorphins release creating a naturally calming and relaxing effect.
Green Aventurine nurtures our hearts so that we may stay soft and receptive to incoming opportunities. Green Aventurine is known as the stone of opportunity and prosperity leading you in the right direction. This stone is often used for manifesting good luck, prosperity, and wealth.
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
♥ Happiness ♥ Prosperity ♥ Generosity ♥ Creativity ♥ Pleasure ♥ Protection ♥ Strength ♥ Alignment ♥ Confidence ♥ Stability ♥ Moderation ♥ Energy ♥ Comfort ♥ Success ♥ Truth ♥ Goodness ♥ Warmth ♥ Digestion ♥ Assimilation ♥ Enjoyment of life ♥ Spiritual growth
Citrine is a variety of Quartz. Citrine is a 13th Anniversary gemstone.
Chakras – Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Crown Chakra
Birthstone – November
Zodiac – Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra
Planet – Jupiter
Element – Air
Numerical Vibration – Number 6
Typical colours – yellow to yellowish brown or smokey grey-brown
Citrine energises every level of life. It cleanses the chakras and opens the intuition. Citrine attracts wealth, prosperity and success. It imparts joy, wonder, delight and enthusiasm. Raises self-esteem and self-confidence. Stimulates the brain, strengthening the intellect. Citrine promotes motivation, activates creativity and encourages self-expression. Enhances concentration and revitalises the mind. It releases negative traits, depression, fears and phobias. Emotionally balancing.
Energising and recharging, Citrine also reverses degenerative disease and helps balance chemical imbalances in the body. Beneficial in the treatment of diabetes, it stimulates digestion, the spleen and pancreas. Negates kidney and bladder infections. Citrine helps eye problems, increases blood circulation, detoxifies the blood, activates the thymus and balances the thyroid. Relieves constipation and removes cellulite.
Carnelian stimulates, balances and heals women’s reproductive systems including the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix and vagina. Carnelian eases premenstrual syndrome, irregular menstrual cycles, cramps, and can bring on your menstrual cycle if puberty is delayed for too long.
It will help girls at menarche to appreciate their bodies and women to value and respect their life making ability.
This stone promotes responsible sexuality, sacred sex and planned reproduction.
Carnelian influences the male and female reproductive organs by increasing fertility, overcoming impotence and frigidity.
Carnelian warms and eases non-inflammatory arthritis. It will increase your metabolism. This stone helps with lower back problem, rheumatism and neuralgia. It regulates your body fluids and kidneys.
If the carnelian is laid directly on a wound it will help stop the bleeding. Carnelian helps with maintaining a good nutrition and ensures that there is a good blood supply to the body.
Carnelian lends vitality and energy to the physical body. It helps you to purify and sanctify the body as a temple of the spirit. It is an excellent support for detoxifying from alcohol or other drugs, breaking negative or hurtful physical habits and generally improving overall health. It is especially useful in balancing and healing the ovaries and testes. Carnelian is helpful for relieving the pain of arthritis as well as for supporting respiratory function, which makes it easier to breathe. A stone of fertility, it is helpful for manifesting ideas or for getting pregnant. Its orange vibration activates the part of you that needs a push or the motivation to move forward to take action on your projects, ideas or business pursuits. This is a good stone for fertility specialists, artists and writers.
Chalcopyrite removes energy blockages, cleansing, activating and aligning the chakras and energy bodies at the same time. It is an excellent aid to increase self esteem, banish fears and doubts and soothe the emotions.
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
BLUE KYANITE is a very powerful energy conductor. It is best known for its ability to align all of the Chakras without conscious effort. The most important aspect of this magnificient stone is how it doesn’t just absorb negative energy, but actually dispels it.
These crystals also aid the development of spiritual and psychic gifts. As Kyanite does not retain or accumulate negative vibrations of any type it does not need cleansing, other than to remove dust, and it is highly beneficial to use it often to align your chakras.
This is a high vibration stone with strong crystal energy. All colors work within the third eye chakra stone, and they are also wonderful healing crystals for you to use at the throat chakra.
Tigers Eye Stone is a crystal with lovely bands of yellow-golden color through it. This is a powerful stone that helps you to release fear and anxiety and aids harmony and balance. It stimulates taking action, and helps you to make decisions with discernment and understanding, and unclouded by your emotions
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
It’s known as the “gambler’s stone,” encouraging good luck and fortune. Amazonite is said to have a soothing effect on the nervous system. Since the nervous system controls our emotions a great deal, this stone is said to soothe tense and aggravated situations and to enhance love.
Amazonite Virtues
- Compassion
- Soothes Stress
- Great for Throat and Heart Chakras
- Protects against EMF pollution
- Balances Yin and Yang
- Communication
- Calms Anxiety
- Good luck for Gamblers
Amazonite is an encouraging gemstone which will increase your self-esteem and confidence and clear away any negative thoughts.
In addition, Amazonite is a balancing gemstone, for your masculine and feminine sides or yin and yang, and will let you to appreciate opinions or feeling from both sides. All great emotions for improved communication with loved ones.
It can help you clear your mind and guide your focus on achieving your goals and dreams. It is an aid to your creative and imaginative side and is perfect for anyone with artistic ambitions.
Amazonite can also assist on the money front – it is the ‘Stone of Success and Abundance’. We do not want to encourage gambling but this gemstone is often worn or carried by those who enjoy a flutter – it attracts money and good fortune.
Away from the betting tables, this stone will allow cool heads to conquer impulse buying and decisions allowing you to keep control of your finances.
The Physical Benefits of Amazonite
As it is connected to the throat and heart chakra, Amazonite has a direct relationship with this area of the body on a physical level including lung and heart issues.
It boosts your metabolic rate and can aid you in getting good night’s sleep. Amazonite has a direct effect on anything to do with calcium in the body so will help prevent osteoporosis, tooth decay and any form of calcium deficiency.
Stress is a major cause of several detrimental health issues so Amazonite’s excellence as a calming and soothing gemstone can relieve anxiety and improve general well-being.
Amazonite most affects the Heart and Throat chakras because the gemstones are usually blue or green. Its influences include communication, eloquence, sincerity and truth while also stirring feelings of love, relationships and self-acceptance.
The Thymus gland is located just behind the sternum between the lungs and, during youth, stimulates the immune system. This area is directly under the control of the Heart Chakra.
If you place an Amazonite gemstone over your heart or in the hollow of your neck then lie down in a relaxing spot, it can quickly unblock or realign the Heart or Throat Chakras.
There are a few tell-tale signs that your Heart Chakra is blocked. Feelings of jealousy, possessiveness, holding onto grudges, being overly judgmental, feeling unloved and fear of commitment reveal an unbalanced Heart Chakra.
Alternatively it could be your Throat Chakra that needs realignment.
Difficulty in communication, fear of public speaking, not listening to others, feeling shy, gossiping, talking excessively are sure signs.
Physically, having a sore throat, an ache in the jaw or neck, headaches at the back of the head can also be signs of a blocked Throat Chakra.
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
Moonstone cultivates compassion and empathy. It helps us to tap into our intuition and enhances psychic abilities and clairvoyance. The creative and intuitive power of feminine energy is activated by the moonstone. It can help us balance and cool down emotions and stress.
Amethyst is a natural tranquiliser, it relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. Alleviates sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities.
Amethyst is a powerful and protective crystal, and is a first choice of many metaphysicians and crystal lovers. It forms in points, geodes or cathedrals and can be polished into various shapes as well as tumbled smooth.
Amethyst was used in ancient times to recover from both physical addictions as well as addictive relationships, and became known as the “stone of sobriety”.
A natural stress reliever, Amethyst encourages and supports inner strength.
The strong healing energy of Amethyst can transmute lower vibrations to higher frequencies, transforming negative energy to love energy.
Amethyst connects the physical plane with higher realm, making it a good choice when working with the Third Eye Chakra. Amethyst also provides a wonderful peaceful energy for meditations, and helps with developing intuition and psychic abilities.
Amethyst opens and activates the Crown Chakra, allowing easier access to the divine. Amethyst enhances spiritual awareness and spiritual wisdom, promoting a higher state of consciousness. Amethyst clears and repairs holes in the aura and draws in Divine energy, as well as aligning and fostering cooperation between the energy bodies.
Physically, Amethyst can help to alleviate headaches and migraines. It dispels nightmares and helps with insomnia. Amethyst can also reduce eyestrain, especially when working at a computer.
Over time Amethyst will fade in the sunlight so don’t cleanse using sunlight.
A Stone of Sublime Prosperity and Purpose
Aventurine meaning comes from the Italian word Aventura which means chance, a hint at the great fortune this stone can bestow upon you. Green Aventurine is the most popular version of this wealthy and wonderful stone. For those who are keen to attract a little more of Lady Luck’s energy into their world, Green Aventurine is the stone to turn to. Along with being a talisman of good fortune, this stone is also ready to soothe the soul, regulate your energy, and keep your heart open and ready to receive.
Green Aventurine comforts, harmonizes, protects the heart, and can help attract love later in life. It is one of the premier stones to attract luck, abundance and success. Green Aventurine has a particularly soothing energy behind it, and is recommended for working through unresolved emotional issues.
Green Aventurine is a great piece to use when working with the Heart Chakra and/or the Water Elements. Green Aventurine is known as the good luck stone and is often used in rituals with green candles, or kept in cash boxes or drawers to attract money.
Green Aventurine has a particularly soothing energy behind it and is recommended for working through unresolved emotional issues. You can also use Green Aventurine for gridding a home or workspace. Green Aventurine is commonly known as a “stone of personal growth”, and offers opportunities for learning about oneself and one’s place in the universe.
Physically, Green Aventurine is an all-around healing stone with benefits for the lungs, liver, sinuses, and heart. Use Green Aventurine to loosen and release negativity and energy blockages, including disease. Some wear or carry Green Aventurine to increase intelligence, perception and creativity. Some even use Green Aventurine to improve their eyesight!
The soothing energy of Rose Quartz fosters empathy, reconciliation, and forgiveness of others. Lowering stress and tension in the heart, Rose Quartz clears out anger, jealousy, and resentment of others, and allows healing of heart issues and dis-ease associated with holding on to such negative emotions.
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
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