Aventurine Crystal Tree
$225.55 usd
Healing with Aventurine
♥ Creativity ♥ Imagination ♥ Independence ♥ Prosperity ♥ Calmness ♥ Career success ♥ Balance ♥ Heals circulation ♥ Heals congestion
Aventurine is a stone of prosperity. It reinforces leadership qualities and decisiveness. Promotes compassion and empathy. Encourages perseverance. Aventurine relieves stammers and severe neuroses. It stabilises one’s state of mind, stimulates perception and enhances creativity. Aids in seeing alternatives and possibilities. Calms anger and irritation. Promotes feelings of well-being. Aventurine balances male-female energy. It encourages regeneration of the heart. Protects against environmental pollution.
Aventurine benefits the thymus gland and nervous system. It balances blood pressure and stimulates the metabolism, lowering cholesterol. Aventurine has an anti-inflammatory effect and eases skin eruptions, allergies, migraines, and soothes the eyes. It heals lungs, sinuses, heart, muscular and urogenital systems. Green Aventurine is a comforter and heart healer. It neutralises all sources of electromagnetic pollution, blocking out emanations from computers, television and other electronic equipment. Green Aventurine settles nausea and dissolves negative emotions and thoughts. It brings well-being and emotional calm. A good all-round healer.
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AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
Use this box to store your incense. Holder is also located at the top of the box to burn your incense.
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AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
Rose Quartz is the stone of universal love. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartzpurifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. Rose quartzalso opens and heals the heart chakra. This stone is perfect for all aspects of love including compassion for yourself, or finding a true lifelong partnership, and mending a broken heart. This stone connects to you on an emotional level with gentleness to heal whatever needs healing. A beautiful healer for the heart chakra, Rose Quartz ensures that any flow of love is healthy and happy. This is also a stone that nurtures essential self-love, which is one of the most vital ingredients in attracting positive partners who will bring joy to your life.
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AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
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