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  • $11.11 usd

    7 Chakra Sages A colorful smudge stick lined by 7 color rose petals. Each wand is hand-tied. Gathered from mountains our smudges & herbs are known to purify places, objects, and people. Light our smudges or burn the herbs to purify any surroundings or simply enjoy the wonderful scent of aroma. Consists of one 4″ 7 chakra sage smudge stick. Used to cleanse and align one’s aura, as well as cleanse your mind, body, soul, and surroundings.

    AVAILABILITY: Out of stock

  • $11.11 usd

    Cedar Cinnamon with Orange Smudge Stick. (1)


    Healing, Purification, Money, Protection

    Magical uses: The smoke of the cedar is purifying, and also cures the predilection to having bad dreams. Twigs of the cedar are burned and smoldered, or made into incense, to heal head colds. They are placed upon hot rocks in sweat baths for purification by some American Indians.

    Orange- Orange helps fight SAD (Seasonal Affected Disorder) and depression by bringing joy and cheer.
    Magical Properties: Love, Divination, Luck, Money, Cleansing

    Cinnamon- Cinnamon has magical attributes such as healing power, attraction of money, physical

    AVAILABILITY: Out of stock

  • $11.11 usd

    Yerba Santa leaves are considered sacred in Native American and Spanish cultures. This ‘holy herb’ gives off a pleasant and uplifting scent. These herb sticks are used in traditional smudging practice for protection, purification, healing, spiritual strength, courage, psychic abilities, and finding your innermost self.

    It is traditionally used for protection and setting boundaries. Yerba Santa has also been used for love, purification, growth, empowerment and beauty, and the release of emotional pain stored in the heart chakra. Burn the leaves as smudge to purify spaces and to clear heavy or dark energies from people. Crush the leaves and add them to herbal smoking mixes to help clear mucus from the lungs.

    You can also burn Yerba Santa to nurture and protect that which is ancient, sacred and wild within yourself. Use it when you need encouragement or courage.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock


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