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  • Original price was: $444.44.Current price is: $251.11.

    Saint Expedite is a powerful and efficacious spirit, turned to throughout the globe for quick results and material intercession, especially in the case of emergencies. Most famed for delivering fast cash and bringing a swift end to lawsuits and bureaucratic nonsense, he can also be called upon to expedite the results of other magical work and prayed to for all manners of manifesting results.


    Directions: Pay for the ritual here then send your petition to Spell will be done Thursday on live at 9:35pm

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • Original price was: $75.55.Current price is: $35.55. usd

    If you love Strawberries Wild, you’re gonna love this mini candle. Use to attract your desires, like love, money, good luck & others to you.

    Directions: Write your desires on a piece of paper, then place your candle on top of it on a saucer or our Altar tray. Burn on a Thursday, Friday, or Sunday after a new moon.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • $125.55 usd

    Want to be happier and manifest success obtaining your goals? Looking for a new job, car or home? Use this candle to help manifest your desires of success.

    Directions: Write your desires on a piece of paper. Include your first and last name as we as birth date. Place it under the candle. Start burning this candle on a Monday after a new moon. Do not leave the candle burning unattended. After the candle has burned completely, you can dispose of the candle by breaking it in a brown paper bag and throwing it in the trash. You can keep your petition in a safe place or burn it.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • $125.55 usd

    Allegedly use this to attract a generous sexual love from a man. Burn on a Friday night with your petition placed underneath to attract a generous mate that gives you good sex and gifts.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • $88.88 usd

    Want to attract a wealthy man or woman to spoil you with money, gifts & trips & favors? Write your petition. Place it underneath the candle. Burn this candle on a Thursday or Friday to attract a generous sugar daddy.

    Directions: Write your desires on a piece of paper, place the paper underneath the candle. Burn on a Thursday. Discard in the trash once candle is done.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • $77.77 usd

    Want to attract a rich or wealthy man? Write your petition (desires) on a piece of paper, place it underneath the candle, and burn on a Thursday or Sunday to attract a man of wealth.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • $125.55 usd

    Want to attract a wealthy man to spoil you with money, gifts & trips? Write your petition. Place it underneath the candle. Burn this candle on a Thursday or Friday to attract a generous sugar daddy.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • SALE-19%
    Sold Out
    Original price was: $125.55.Current price is: $101.11. usd

    Do you work in a job where tips are provided? Would you like to increase your tips? Apply this rollerball over your palms and wrists while listening to money affirmations or saying “Thank you God for these tips. All of my customers tip me large amounts of money. Amen”

    Apply daily to receive tips.

    AVAILABILITY: Out of stock

  • $88.88 usd

    A feng shui wealth bowl is a collection of items that you put together to help you attract more money into your life.

    It’s meant to be displayed so that you see it often, reminding you of the money you want to bring into your home and life.

    Many business owners keep one next to their cash register to increase sales and business.

    It is said that by placing the Pot of wealth, it brings in wealth and prosperity to where ever you place it. It can also be placed in your office, & your house You are not limited to one pot of wealth in your house or in your office you can put multiple pots throughout your home if you like.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • $65.55 usd

    Do you want to attract a luxurious lifestyle? Burn this candle daily to start living the way of the wealthy. Accomplish your goals and start enjoying the fruits of your labor. Burning this candle will find you experiencing more luxury in your life.

    Directions: Write your petition then place it underneath the candle. Burn daily starting on a Thursday to bring you a more luxurious life. Once candle is done burning, toss it in the trash and repeat the spell. As long as this candle is burned back to back, you’ll maintain your wealthy way of life.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

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