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  • $133.33

    Do you need to manifest more money? Sign up for our community money ritual to manifest more money. Money can come in the form of favors, discounts, raises and more.

    Directions: Sign up here then send your  *petition to [email protected]. Spell will start on Instagram live and continue to burn for 24hrs on our altar. This is a virtual spell  no products are shipped

    Sample petition

    Petition Sample

    First & Last name

    Birthdate: (Month, Day & Year)

    Petition: I am so grateful that money flows to me effortlessly. I am so happy I have more than enough money to pay my bills in full with love. I am a money magnet. Money comes to me from known & unknown sources. Blessings & favor overflow for me. I want for nothing.  Myself & my family are provided for. I have no worries. My fridge stays stocked with good food, my bank account is always in the positive. I make more money than I spend & I know how to budget & spend my money wisely. People go out of their way to save me money. I get discounts everywhere. Money works for me & everything works in my favor. I’m grateful to receive large sums of money. I am a money magnet. Amen.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock


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