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  • $55.55 usd

    (1) Bracelet

    Aqua Terra (meaning Water Earth) is a wonderful stone for helping one find inner peace, clarity, love and compassion, helps with the alignment of the physical and “Light” bodies and is an excellent stone for emotional healing. This stone facilitates shamanic journeys, dowsing and dream recall. Providing protection, it absorbs negative energy, balances yin and yang and aligns the physical, emotional and mental bodies with the etheric realm.

    Metaphysical Properties:
    Astrological Sign(s):  Gemini. Scorpio. Taurus
    Chakra(s):  The Heart and Solar Plexus.
    Vibration: 7

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • $21.11 usd

    Wear this necklace or carry it on you to attract a mate or make your love stronger. Great addition to love spells on your altar.

    AVAILABILITY: Out of stock

  • $55.55 usd

    Rutilated quartz is a stone believed to attract wealth luck. A very popular stone among businessmen, it is highly energizing, and can bring passion into difficult times or difficult projects. This crystal prepares one to face new challenges with confident, enhances concentration, improves foresight and also gives you the ability to discern the positive or negative vibes or motives of a person, place, or thing. Rutilated quartz can help you see things that you might not notice otherwise, and help you see what action needs to be taken in order to fix the problem that you are currently having. It can also give you the strength to actually take that action.

    Rutilated Quartz like citrine is an excellent crystal to wear to attract the Wealth 8 Star

    Wear a Rutilated Quartz while you are on a holiday or business trip for protection. It protects the wearer from negative spirits – especially those who go out late.

    Rutilated Quartz can clear energy blockages from all of the chakras, bringing mental and physical balance and stability.

    Emotionally, Rutiled Quartz is an uplifting stone that is purported to infuse joy, vitality and positive energy into one’s life, soothe dark moods and combat depression. This stone is said to relieve loneliness, feeling of guilt, phobias, anxiety and fears. It counters self-hatred, heals emotional wounds and releases constrictions. Rutilated Quartz also promotes forgiveness at all levels.

    Physically, Rutiled Quartz is reputed to speed healing of injuries and slow down aging. It is believed that ladies who wear them will exude better aura (looks “brighter” with improved complexion) – hence its name “Iluminator for the soul”. It is an great crystal for strength and love within relationships.

    AVAILABILITY: Out of stock

  • $22.22 usd

    Allegedly wear this bracelet to increase your chances of manifesting money and keeping it. Comes anointed with money drawing oil.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • $57.77 usd

    (1) Moonstone Evil Eye Charm Bracelet

    May be worn with other Be Good Organix bracelets to create stack

    Moonstone is a natural crystal mineral that is thought to harvest the energy of the moon, which embodies yin’s passive and relaxing energy. Similarly, this stone promotes healing and balance, and enhances your intuition.

    AVAILABILITY: Out of stock

  • $55.55 usd

    The Morganite crystal stone meaning is associated with the heart chakra, making it a powerful stone for promoting healing and stimulating the flow of love. Often known as the ‘Pink Emerald’, Morganite opens and heals the heart on all levels, dispelling grief, and resentment and bringing in the vibration of Divine Love. Morganite helps bring peace during times of upheaval and can be used to calm fears surrounding death and dying. It also supports the release of old karmic patterns that no longer serve us. 

    Work with Morganite to attract soul mates and twin flames, as it is said to reconcile differences in relationships for the highest good. The gentle energy of Morganite fosters compassion, empathy, and caring for others without becoming personally involved in their problems. It assists us in seeing both sides of a situation and dispels judgmentalism, pettiness and prejudice. When you’re feeling disconnected from your true purpose, reach for a Morganite crystal stone as a reminder that you are an eternal being of Light here to experience love in all its forms.

    Morganite is said to be a stone of divine love and is excellent for opening and balancing the heart chakra. It can also help to bring in calming energies, which makes it ideal for those who are feeling anxious or stressed. Morganite can also assist in dealing with grief, loss and heartache.

    AVAILABILITY: Out of stock

  • SALE-12%
    Sold Out
    Original price was: $28.88.Current price is: $25.55. usd

    One size fits most

    Moss Agate Metaphysical Properties

    Moss agate is said to encourage tranquility and emotional balance. Moss agate is the perfect stone for those who experience strong aggression or overly nurturing emotions, helping to balance male and female energies whenever they become too extreme.

    Moss Agate stone ensures you are brimming with wellness so you are ever ready to live your best life. Just like oxygen-rich plants, this stone works wonders on the immune system and delivers exceptional anti-inflammatory properties to give your body the boost it needs. If you are one of those people who seems to pick up every sniffle and cough going then the Moss Agate stone will kickstart your immune system and keep you fighting fit. Along with being a great immune system booster, the green swirling stone also helps to stimulate a healthy digestive system, keeps your heart and circulation in full check, and even helps with brain imbalances.

    Mental & Emotional Healing Properties

    If your moods seem to be forever working like a pendulum, Moss Agate could be just the stone for you. This beautifully balancing stone is always aiming to keep you feeling soft and stable and completely secure, no matter how much chaos the world around you is churning up. For those people who just seem to be forever at the heart of emotional drama or riding the highs and lows of manic mood swings, Moss Agate is here to soothe your soul. One of the best Moss Agate healing properties is its uncanny ability to lift you up and let you linger in the glow of golden self-esteem. Its green crystal healing goes to work on balancing energies, whether you tend to be overly nurturing to the point of becoming a people pleaser or if you go the opposite way and struggle with feelings of raw aggression. As calming as a walk, as cleansing as a dip in a cold-water stream, and as restful as a summer nap in long grass, Moss Agate is a breath of fresh air to the wearer.

    Metaphysical Properties

    When the body and mind are in harmony, it’s time for the spirit to settle down and become attuned to the world around it. Fortunately, Moss Agate isn’t shy about serving up healing properties in the metaphysical space too. Just like nature, this stone works to soothe and calm and help you feel connected to the world both beneath your feet and above your head. Like many other green stones, Moss Agate goes to work on the heart chakra, ensuring there are no blockages there so that love and abundance can flow free and easy. Moss Agate can be an excellent tool to turn too when it comes to nurturing great friendships and finding peace in existing relationships. It helps you to find spiritual splendor by encouraging quiet contemplation.

    AVAILABILITY: Out of stock

  • $5.55 usd

    The meaning of evil eye jewelry is that they are designed to protect the wearer from evil and ward off the evil that has been directed at them. Wearing any piece of jewelry with the evil eye symbol on it provides the wearer with both power and protection against evil spirits or bad luck.

    AVAILABILITY: Out of stock

  • $55.55 usd

    Imperial Jasper is known as a spiritual and healing stone. Like many other types of jasper, it a strong healing, power, and protective stone. It is also known as a good stone to help one get organized, relax, and reach tranquility. … Imperial Jasper is known as a spiritual and healing stone. Imperial jasper has the general properties of Jasper. Imperial Jasper aligns the chakra and can be used as a chakra healing. It sustains and supports the soul at the time of stress and brings tranquility. It is also called as a “Supreme Nurture”, as it heals the complete soul of the body.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • $55.55 usd

    Purple phantom quartz, in charge of wealth, can strengthen personal career and wealth. The purple ghost crystal is unique for recruiting nobles. The magnetic field emitted by the purple phantom quartz crystal can attract helpful nobles for you, especially for careers. Metaphysically, Purple Phantom Quartz is said to promote spiritual awareness and guidance in finding a positive path. Super 7 minerals are believed to be incredibly strong together, strengthening all of the chakras and helping users access ancient knowledge.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • $5.55 usd

    (1) Evil Eye Stretch bracelet

    The meaning of evil eye jewelry is that they are designed to protect the wearer from evil and ward off the evil that has been directed at them. Wearing any piece of jewelry with the evil eye symbol on it provides the wearer with both power and protection against evil spirits or bad luck.

    AVAILABILITY: Out of stock

  • $55.55 usd

    Here are a some of the main purported healing benefits of a selenite crystal:

    • promotes peace and calm
    • provides clarity
    • clears blocked energy
    • elevates the spirit
    • helps you access your intuition
    • is an effective space cleanser
    • vibrates at a very high frequency
    • promotes connection and camaraderie
    • enhances powers of manifestation
      Selenite vibrates at a super-high frequency, meaning it’s a very powerful healer.Selenite is effective at clearing heavy, blocked energy. This allows energy to flow at a high vibration, elevating the spirit

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • $55.55 usd

    Strawberry Quartz properties are associated with love, communication, and purification, which is what makes this stone so special. It has the ability to help you grow spiritually and release any blockages that may be impeding your flow of positive energy.

    Strawberry Quartz is an amazing stone that has the ability to bring energies of universal love into your life so that you can be amazed by how much the universe adores you.

    This feeling of love will create in you a sense of personal importance that will enable you to withstand any obstacles being thrown at you in your everyday life.

    When you start believing in yourself, that is when everyone else will start believing in you and your abilities as well.

    Strawberry Quartz will ensure that your talents don’t go unnoticed and that people start recognizing you for all of your hidden talents that were previously going undetected.

    Moreover, Strawberry Quartz will finally show you the path that you were always meant to take but didn’t know how to until now.

    If you’re someone who draws a blank whenever they think about what they want to do in life then Strawberry Quartz will bring all the answers for you.

    This stone will allow you to understand the very meaning behind your existence and what it is that you have to do and achieve in life that will allow your name to be etched in history

    AVAILABILITY: Out of stock

  • $55.55 usd

    Strawberry Quartz properties are associated with love, communication, and purification, which is what makes this stone so special. It has the ability to help you grow spiritually and release any blockages that may be impeding your flow of positive energy.

    Strawberry Quartz is an amazing stone that has the ability to bring energies of universal love into your life so that you can be amazed by how much the universe adores you.

    This feeling of love will create in you a sense of personal importance that will enable you to withstand any obstacles being thrown at you in your everyday life.

    When you start believing in yourself, that is when everyone else will start believing in you and your abilities as well.

    Strawberry Quartz will ensure that your talents don’t go unnoticed and that people start recognizing you for all of your hidden talents that were previously going undetected.

    Moreover, Strawberry Quartz will finally show you the path that you were always meant to take but didn’t know how to until now.

    If you’re someone who draws a blank whenever they think about what they want to do in life then Strawberry Quartz will bring all the answers for you.

    This stone will allow you to understand the very meaning behind your existence and what it is that you have to do and achieve in life that will allow your name to be etched in history.

    AVAILABILITY: Out of stock

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