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  • $58.88 usd

    Encourage healthy, vibrant breasts, organs and womb space through self-massage with our crystal massagers. Nourish yourself and bring out the divine feminine creative energy within.

    Invite the energetic vibrations of your breast crystal to align and balance your heart chakra within each breast showing yourself unconditional love. Regular breast massage encourages vibrant healthy breast being the perfect routine for preventative selfcare and self love.

    Or balance your sacral chakra, deep within your pelvic floor lies your energy vortex giving you the ability to manifest and draw your creative energy out. Womb massage allows you to connect to this energy and promotes a balanced pelvic floor for healthy organs and blood flow.

    Breast massage crystals are used to promote vibrant healthy breasts for self-care and preventative maintenance.

    Perform breast massage 4-5 days a week, begin by massaging neighboring areas, then move from the center outward pushing the toxins out.

    Womb massage helps align the organs within the pelvic floor promoting healthy blood flow, ease of PMS symptons, connecting to your womb space bringing out your creative energy.

    Perform womb massage 2-3 days a week, begin by massaging upward from the pelvis to the belly button, then move in a half moon shape from top around the belly button down.  You can focus on your ovaries on each side by moving in circular motions.

    After massaging you are free to carry this crystal in your bra to gain the metaphysical properties of the stone.

    Carnelian Metaphysical properties: A stabilising stone, Carnelian restores vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity. It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy and motivates for success. Carnelian is useful for overcoming abuse of any kind. It helps in trusting yourself and your perceptions.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • $25.55 usd


    Carnelian stimulates, balances and heals women’s reproductive systems including the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix and vagina. Carnelian eases premenstrual syndrome, irregular menstrual cycles, cramps, and can bring on your menstrual cycle if puberty is delayed for too long.
    It will help girls at menarche to appreciate their bodies and women to value and respect their life making ability.
    This stone promotes responsible sexuality, sacred sex and planned reproduction.
    Carnelian influences the male and female reproductive organs by increasing fertility, overcoming impotence and frigidity.
    Carnelian warms and eases non-inflammatory arthritis. It will increase your metabolism.​ ​ This stone helps with lower back problem, rheumatism and neuralgia. It regulates your body fluids and kidneys.
    If the carnelian is laid directly on a wound it will help stop the bleeding. Carnelian helps with maintaining a good nutrition and ensures that there is a good blood supply to the body.
    Carnelian lends vitality and energy to the physical body. It helps you to purify and sanctify the body as a temple of the spirit. It is an excellent support for detoxifying from alcohol or other drugs, breaking negative or hurtful physical habits and generally improving overall health. It is especially useful in balancing and healing the ovaries and testes. Carnelian is helpful for relieving the pain of arthritis as well as for supporting respiratory function, which makes it easier to breathe. A stone of fertility, it is helpful for manifesting ideas or for getting pregnant. Its orange vibration activates the part of you that needs a push or the motivation to move forward to take action on your projects, ideas or business pursuits. This is a good stone for fertility specialists, artists and writers.

    AVAILABILITY: Out of stock

  • $55.55 usd

    Carnelian stimulates, balances and heals women’s reproductive systems including the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix and vagina. Carnelian eases premenstrual syndrome, irregular menstrual cycles, cramps, and can bring on your menstrual cycle if puberty is delayed for too long.
    It will help girls at menarche to appreciate their bodies and women to value and respect their life making ability.
    This stone promotes responsible sexuality, sacred sex and planned reproduction.
    Carnelian influences the male and female reproductive organs by increasing fertility, overcoming impotence and frigidity.
    Carnelian warms and eases non-inflammatory arthritis. It will increase your metabolism.​ ​ This stone helps with lower back problem, rheumatism and neuralgia. It regulates your body fluids and kidneys.
    If the carnelian is laid directly on a wound it will help stop the bleeding. Carnelian helps with maintaining a good nutrition and ensures that there is a good blood supply to the body.
    Carnelian lends vitality and energy to the physical body. It helps you to purify and sanctify the body as a temple of the spirit. It is an excellent support for detoxifying from alcohol or other drugs, breaking negative or hurtful physical habits and generally improving overall health. It is especially useful in balancing and healing the ovaries and testes. Carnelian is helpful for relieving the pain of arthritis as well as for supporting respiratory function, which makes it easier to breathe. A stone of fertility, it is helpful for manifesting ideas or for getting pregnant. Its orange vibration activates the part of you that needs a push or the motivation to move forward to take action on your projects, ideas or business pursuits. This is a good stone for fertility specialists, artists and writers.

    AVAILABILITY: Out of stock

  • $21.11 usd

    Carnelian stimulates, balances and heals women’s reproductive systems including the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix and vagina. Carnelian eases premenstrual syndrome, irregular menstrual cycles, cramps, and can bring on your menstrual cycle if puberty is delayed for too long.
    It will help girls at menarche to appreciate their bodies and women to value and respect their life making ability.
    This stone promotes responsible sexuality, sacred sex and planned reproduction.
    Carnelian influences the male and female reproductive organs by increasing fertility, overcoming impotence and frigidity.
    Carnelian warms and eases non-inflammatory arthritis. It will increase your metabolism.​ ​ This stone helps with lower back problem, rheumatism and neuralgia. It regulates your body fluids and kidneys.
    If the carnelian is laid directly on a wound it will help stop the bleeding. Carnelian helps with maintaining a good nutrition and ensures that there is a good blood supply to the body.
    Carnelian lends vitality and energy to the physical body. It helps you to purify and sanctify the body as a temple of the spirit. It is an excellent support for detoxifying from alcohol or other drugs, breaking negative or hurtful physical habits and generally improving overall health. It is especially useful in balancing and healing the ovaries and testes. Carnelian is helpful for relieving the pain of arthritis as well as for supporting respiratory function, which makes it easier to breathe. A stone of fertility, it is helpful for manifesting ideas or for getting pregnant. Its orange vibration activates the part of you that needs a push or the motivation to move forward to take action on your projects, ideas or business pursuits. This is a good stone for fertility specialists, artists and writers.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • SALE-60%
    Sold Out
    Original price was: $88.88.Current price is: $35.55. usd

    AVAILABILITY: Out of stock

  • $25.55 usd

    A stabilising stone, Carnelian restores vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity. It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy and motivates for success. Carnelian is useful for overcoming abuse of any kind. It helps in trusting yourself and your perceptions.

    Common Healing Properties of Carnelian:

    • Helps you to feel grounded
    • Enhances creativity & the flow of creative ideas
    • Increases motivation
    • Stimulates success in business and financial endeavors
    • Assists you in overcoming negative thought patterns
    • Enhances sexual energy
    • Opens your heart to divine guidance and love
    • Instills a sense of peace and calming
    • Removes negative energy from items or from your environment
    • Aids with emotional balance
    • Assists with energetic cleansing & purifying


    Carnelian aids the sacral chakra to encourage inspired action. … This vibrant stone drives confidence and the power of true expression. It boots creativity, vitality, and passion. It brings good luck and manifestation of one’s desires.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • SALE-15%
    Sold Out
    Original price was: $22.22.Current price is: $18.88. usd

    These stunning carved carnelian angels help anchor angelic energies, allowing you to connect to the spiritual world and your guardian angel.

    HOW TO USE: Place your crystal in your home to add high vibrations, protection and healing to you and your space. Crystal Angels can also be used as a centre for crystal grids. If small, angels can also be placed in the pocket to carry, for good vibes to get you through the day.

    SIZE: 3cm (approx.)

    AVAILABILITY: Out of stock

  • $25.55 usd

    Carnelian Ring (One size fits most)

    Carnelian stimulates, balances and heals women’s reproductive systems including the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix and vagina. Carnelian eases premenstrual syndrome, irregular menstrual cycles, cramps, and can bring on your menstrual cycle if puberty is delayed for too long.
    It will help girls at menarche to appreciate their bodies and women to value and respect their life making ability.
    This stone promotes responsible sexuality, sacred sex and planned reproduction.
    Carnelian influences the male and female reproductive organs by increasing fertility, overcoming impotence and frigidity.
    Carnelian warms and eases non-inflammatory arthritis. It will increase your metabolism.​ ​ This stone helps with lower back problem, rheumatism and neuralgia. It regulates your body fluids and kidneys.
    If the carnelian is laid directly on a wound it will help stop the bleeding. Carnelian helps with maintaining a good nutrition and ensures that there is a good blood supply to the body.
    Carnelian lends vitality and energy to the physical body. It helps you to purify and sanctify the body as a temple of the spirit. It is an excellent support for detoxifying from alcohol or other drugs, breaking negative or hurtful physical habits and generally improving overall health. It is especially useful in balancing and healing the ovaries and testes. Carnelian is helpful for relieving the pain of arthritis as well as for supporting respiratory function, which makes it easier to breathe. A stone of fertility, it is helpful for manifesting ideas or for getting pregnant. Its orange vibration activates the part of you that needs a push or the motivation to move forward to take action on your projects, ideas or business pursuits. This is a good stone for fertility specialists, artists and writers.

    AVAILABILITY: Out of stock


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