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  • $58.88 usd

    Encourage healthy, vibrant breasts, organs and womb space through self-massage with our crystal massagers. Nourish yourself and bring out the divine feminine creative energy within.

    Invite the energetic vibrations of your breast crystal to align and balance your heart chakra within each breast showing yourself unconditional love. Regular breast massage encourages vibrant healthy breast being the perfect routine for preventative selfcare and self love.

    Or balance your sacral chakra, deep within your pelvic floor lies your energy vortex giving you the ability to manifest and draw your creative energy out. Womb massage allows you to connect to this energy and promotes a balanced pelvic floor for healthy organs and blood flow.

    Breast massage crystals are used to promote vibrant healthy breasts for self-care and preventative maintenance.

    Perform breast massage 4-5 days a week, begin by massaging neighboring areas, then move from the center outward pushing the toxins out.

    Womb massage helps align the organs within the pelvic floor promoting healthy blood flow, ease of PMS symptons, connecting to your womb space bringing out your creative energy.

    Perform womb massage 2-3 days a week, begin by massaging upward from the pelvis to the belly button, then move in a half moon shape from top around the belly button down.  You can focus on your ovaries on each side by moving in circular motions.

    After massaging you are free to carry this crystal in your bra to gain the metaphysical properties of the stone.

    Carnelian Metaphysical properties: A stabilising stone, Carnelian restores vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity. It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy and motivates for success. Carnelian is useful for overcoming abuse of any kind. It helps in trusting yourself and your perceptions.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock


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