Showing 201–217 of 217 results

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  • $31.11 usd

    If you love Strawberries Wild, you’re gonna love these new single, long burn candles. Use them to attract your desires.

    Directions: Write your desires on a piece of paper, then place your candle on top of it on a saucer or our Altar tray. Burn on a Thursday, Friday, or Sunday after a new moon.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • $35.55 usd

    If you love Strawberries Wild, you’re gonna love this mini candle. Use to attract your desires, like love, money, good luck & others to you.

    Directions: Write your desires on a piece of paper, then place your candle on top of it on a saucer or our Altar tray. Burn on a Thursday, Friday, or Sunday after a new moon.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • $125.55 usd

    Want to be happier and manifest success obtaining your goals? Looking for a new job, car or home? Use this candle to help manifest your desires of success.

    Directions: Write your desires on a piece of paper. Include your first and last name as we as birth date. Place it under the candle. Start burning this candle on a Monday after a new moon. Do not leave the candle burning unattended. After the candle has burned completely, you can dispose of the candle by breaking it in a brown paper bag and throwing it in the trash. You can keep your petition in a safe place or burn it.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • $125.55 usd

    Allegedly use this to attract a generous sexual love from a man. Burn on a Friday night with your petition placed underneath to attract a generous mate that gives you good sex and gifts.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • $125.55 usd

    Want to attract a wealthy man to spoil you with money, gifts & trips? Write your petition. Place it underneath the candle. Burn this candle on a Thursday or Friday to attract a generous sugar daddy.

    Directions: Write your desires on a piece of paper, place the paper underneath the candle. Burn on a Thursday. Discard in the trash once candle is done.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • $88.88 usd

    Want to attract a wealthy man or woman to spoil you with money, gifts & trips & favors? Write your petition. Place it underneath the candle. Burn this candle on a Thursday or Friday to attract a generous sugar daddy.

    Directions: Write your desires on a piece of paper, place the paper underneath the candle. Burn on a Thursday. Discard in the trash once candle is done.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • $77.77 usd

    Want to attract a rich or wealthy man? Write your petition (desires) on a piece of paper, place it underneath the candle, and burn on a Thursday or Sunday to attract a man of wealth.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • $125.55 usd

    Want to attract a wealthy man to spoil you with money, gifts & trips? Write your petition. Place it underneath the candle. Burn this candle on a Thursday or Friday to attract a generous sugar daddy.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • $65.55 usd

    Use these candles to make life sweeter. Add to all spells or use separately. Especially great when paired with our red candles.

    Directions: Write your petition then place it underneath the candle. Burn daily to sweeten your life.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • $125.55 usd

    Need a spiritual reset? Feel “heavy”? Need to add more power to your rituals? Use this candle to get a spiritual reset and remove bad luck and crossed conditions.

    Directions: Burn on a Sunday. Write your petition & place it underneath the candle.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • $75.55 usd

    Need a spiritual reset? Feel “heavy”? Need to add more power to your rituals? Use this candle to get a spiritual reset and remove bad luck and crossed conditions. Regain your power with this candle

    Directions: Burn on a Sunday. Write your petition & place it underneath the candle.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • $65.55 usd

    Do you want to attract a luxurious lifestyle? Burn this candle daily to start living the way of the wealthy. Accomplish your goals and start enjoying the fruits of your labor. Burning this candle will find you experiencing more luxury in your life.

    Directions: Write your petition then place it underneath the candle. Burn daily starting on a Thursday to bring you a more luxurious life. Once candle is done burning, toss it in the trash and repeat the spell. As long as this candle is burned back to back, you’ll maintain your wealthy way of life.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • $125.55 usd

    Have a court case! Want to win? Allegedly use this candle to have favor on court & win.

    Directions: Write your petition down then place it underneath your candle. Burn on a Tuesday. Once candle is finished you can toss it in the trash. Continue to burn this candle until your desires are manifested.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • $102.24 usd


    Let this Winter Solstice provide you with peace and calm during this time. As industrious Autumn falls away, allow time to renew your energy. As the Sun enters Capricorn, allow its light to give you the patience to arrange and rebalance your home and sacred spaces. The Universe is providing resources and time, you do not need to rush in taking care of your needs in the dark of this Winter before the Spring brings a new dawn of possibility.”

    Directions: Write your petition then place it underneath the candle. Burn anytime you want to manifest. After the candle had burned completely, toss it in the trash.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • $125.55 usd

    Use this yellow open road candle to remove blockage and open doors to success, abundance and prosperity.

    Yellow candles represent spiritual enlightenment and prosperity. Light one to enhance your intuition and gain a new understanding of the world around you. Light a yellow candle if you also want to attract financial success and security.


    Directions: Write your petition (your desires on a piece of paper) place the paper underneath the candle and burn on a Wednesday, Thursday or Sunday. When candle is completed, toss it in the trash. Repeat the spell to keep abundance, success and prosperity, etc. Pair with our money candles


    AVAILABILITY: Out of stock

  • $35.55 usd

    Use your zodiac candle to enhance your zodiac’s positive energy and characteristics.

    Zodiac signs available:








    Please include the candle you want at checkout in the notes.

    Directions: Write your first and last name, birthdate (include year) on a piece of paper. Place the paper underneath the candle. Burn daily. Toss candle in the trash when done. Burn this candle any time you need to feel like yourself.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • Showing 201–217 of 217 results


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