Root Chakra
Throat Chakra
One Size fits most
Root Chakra
Throat Chakra
One Size fits most
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Waist beads are commonly used to gauge changes in weight. Rather than step on a scale, people can use waist beads to stay aware of any weight gain or loss in the abdomen.
Waist beads don’t stretch. If you were to gain weight, the beads will sit higher on the waist or feel tight. Conversely, if you were to lose weight, the beads will feel loose and fall further down to the hips.
Unlike the numbers on a scale, waist beads are more compatible with body positivity. Women of all sizes and shapes can comfortably wear waist beads to adorn their body.
There are even adjustable waist beads available if you don’t want the beads to fit differently based on your weight or changes like bloating.
In parts of the world where waist beads are a cultural tradition, the beads are often associated with womanhood, maturity, and growth.
In Ghana, babies are traditionally adorned with waist beads during their naming ceremonies. Only girls, however, continue to wear the beads as they grow older.
In many West African traditions, mothers tie a pair of waist beads onto daughters during their first menstruation to symbolize their passage into womanhood.
Outgrowing a pair of waist beads may also mark the transition into a new stage of life. The beads a girl wears during puberty will differ from the beads she wears after her first child, for example.
Many women around the world use waist beads in intimate settings to enhance their sensuality. Waist beads may also be closely associated with fertility. Some women wear specific beads during sex when they’re trying to conceive.
Among the cultures in Ghana, larger beads or bells are added to a woman’s waist beads once she’s fertile so she makes noise when she walks to alert potential suitors nearby.
In other cultures, waist beads are worn under clothing for only the wearer and her chosen partners to see, similarly to a special set of lingerie.
Special waist beads are also available for pregnant women. They’re thought to provide protection for the mother and growing baby.
While women of all races and ethnicities wear waist beads, this accessory has unmistakably African origins. Waist beads are a popular way for black women in the diaspora to connect to their ancestors and celebrate their heritage and cultural practices.
Today, the usage of waist beads by black and brown women in the West has evolved into a cultural tradition of its very own, one that reflects the diasporic experience.
Many women in the diaspora don’t have direct knowledge of their West African lineage due to the transatlantic slave trade. Reclaiming waist beads also means black women can reclaim the opportunity to walk in their ancestors’ footsteps. The beads are a constant physical reminder that heritage is never as far away as you may think, and it’s up for personal interpretation.
Waist beads can help a person become more aware of their stomach and posture. The beads fit quite differently depending on how one is sitting and breathing. They can serve as a reminder to sit up straight, engage your stomach muscles, relax your back, and breathe properly.
WAIST BEADS AND MAGICIn Ghana and other parts of West Africa, women traditionally added charms and fragrant oils to lure or protect themselves against negative energy. Today in the United States, many waist bead artists incorporate folk healing technologies into their designs, such as crystals, chakra healing, or intention setting.
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AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
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