Organic Heart chakra rollerball
$125.55 usd
Apply Rollerball over heart daily to help balance your heart chakra.
Heart Chakra rollerball helps to balance your heart chakra.
The heart chakra is the center of our energetic prana system, so when you experience a heart chakra blockage, it affects everything.
The heart chakra rules our love, compassion, emotional awareness, and trust. When this chakra is blocked, it can cause major distress in our lives.
Heart chakra blockages can look like difficulty forgiving others, lack of self love, being trapped in toxic relationships, grief, loneliness, fear of betrayal, immune issues, chest tightness, and more.
If you have a blockage in Anahata Chakra, you may experience:
- Shyness.
- Loneliness.
- Depression/Anxiety.
- Finding it hard to forgive.
- Finding it hard to feel empathy.
By opening the heart chakra, we can understand a form of love that exists in our truest version of ourselves.
When your Heart Chakra is Open, you will feel:
- Magnetic and surrounded by positive people
- Like the Universe is constantly providing you with abundant love
- Energetic and full of love to share with others
- Compassionate towards others and able to forgive
- Aware of your emotions and able to distinguish emotions that serve and emotions you should let go
When this chakra is open, we are able to cultivate a frequency of love within ourselves which draws more love into our life
If you know anything about manifestation, you know that you manifest whatever energy you first create. You have to become an energetic match for what you wish to create more of.
Use this box to store your tarot cards or any of your spiritual tools.
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
A stone for “new beginnings”,
Rainbow moonstone is thought to bring balance, harmony and hope while enhancing creativity, compassion, endurance and inner confidence. Rainbow moonstone is believed to help strengthen intuition and psychic perception, especially offering us visions of things that aren’t immediately obvious.
Moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength. It soothes emotional instability and stress, and stabilises the emotions, providing calmness. Moonstone enhances intuition, promotes inspiration, success and good fortune in love and business matters.
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
I received this handmade leather journal as a gift back in 2016. Little did I know, writing my hopes and dreams in it would change my life. By practicing the Law of Attraction and adding my desires in this book, I started to create a better reality for myself and manifest what was is inside, effortlessly. I have shared this journal on my social media feeds a few times. Every time I do, people ask if I sell it. So now the answer is yes. This is a handmade journal from India that feels indeed magical when you put pen to paper. Are you ready to write out your goals and manifest a better life?
Organic Honey Jar will come with (4) dressed candles. Put your petition in the honey jar. Place one of the dressed candles on top of the bottle weekly and allow it to burn. This honey jar is good for money, jobs, abundance and favor. You can place this on your altar or anywhere in your space. This is a jar spell that keeps on giving. You never have to get rid of it if you are specific with your petition.
Additional Refill Candles sold separately
***Jar will ship the second week of August. This product only ships once a month***
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
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