Just Peachy Organic Body Trio
$201.11 usd
Check out our new Just Peachy Trio. Peaches are great for Protection, longevity, luck, vitality, love, wishes, banishing. Wear this trio daily to receive these qualities.
Trio includes, body wash, body oil & rollerball. All products listed are organic of course.
Want people to adore you & give you money? Need to attract more clients & followers on social media? Need to book more shows or roles? Want to go from over looked to booked? This rollerball covers it all when it comes to fame & money.
Directions : Apply on your wrists, inside or arms & hands while listening to money affirmations.
Patchouli– Patchouli is said to attract prosperity & dispels negativity to promote good dreams. Energetically, Patchouli increases energy & attention in the sensory levels and the outer fields, causing the spiritual self to drop into the physical body. Patchouli also slows down the sense of time perception, allowing one to better work in the realm of magick. This enchanting sweet & earthy scent is a popular ingredient used in spell-casting to draw in money, offer protection, defend against negative energies or evil intent. It holds true in the spiritual power of releasing, whether it be certain vibrations, addictions or banishing harmful people from one’s life. Patchouli is tied to the Earth element as well, bringing great grounding frequencies & enhancing focus, which is why it makes for such a great manifesting tool.
Activated Charcoal & Clove- Activated Charcoal is known for its cleansing and protective abilities and is used to render a harmful situation neutral.
Rose- Being the flower of love, roses have been used in magic love spells. It is believed that roses can promote love and stimulate one’s sex drive. Furthermore, it is said that roses have the magical property to help in developing psychic knowledge and increase intuition.
Roses are also said to have medicinal value. Apparently, they are able to help in strengthening the immune system and reduce symptoms of insomnia, depression, anxiety, and even reduce menstrual cramps.
**Soap holder not included
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
Do you work in a job where tips are provided? Would you like to increase your tips? Apply this rollerball over your palms and wrists while listening to money affirmations or saying “Thank you God for these tips. All of my customers tip me large amounts of money. Amen”
Apply daily to receive tips.
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
Want things to go better in your life? Need life to be sweeter to you? Use this rollerball daily while listening to positive affirmations or money affirmations to attract better luck & goodness to you.
Directions: Apply on pulse points, wrists, neck while listening to affirmations.
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
Do you need a job? Want a new position? Use our organic job body wash. Use it daily while searching for a job & when going to job interviews. Listen to money, job & success affirmations. Affirm I love my job & I get paid great to do what I love. Amen. Pairs great with our job rollerball.
Do you need to communicate better? Would you like someone to reach out to talk to you? Need correspondence?Poor communication in a relationship? Apply this rollerball over your throat chakra, papers, etc. to enhance or encourage communication. Great to use to encourage someone to reach out to you.
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
Do you like to gamble? Play the lottery? Use this rollerball daily especially before playing games of chance to increase your odds of winning. Apply on wrists and palms of hands.
Need more clarity? Need to boost your creativity? Apply this rollerball daily over your pulse points while setting your intentions.
Chakras are energy centers in the subtle body that distribute the flow of prana, or energy, throughout the body. There are seven chakras, and they are positioned throughout the body, starting at the base of the spine and extending through the crown of your head. Each chakra has a different purpose that corresponds to specific physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual states of being.
When your chakras are balanced, you can experience harmony between mind, body, and spirit. Each chakra roll-on combines the therapeutic benefits of essential oils with the energetic properties of the chakra’s corresponding gemstone by using them in the rollerball. When all of your chakras are balanced, you can experience overall improved health and well-being, a more positive outlook, increased awareness of self and others, and much more.
Sacral Chakra rollerball-
- Carnelian- Known as the stone of motivation and passion, the energetic properties of carnelian restore vitality and passion. With cleansing and grounding effects, carnelian helps restore balance to your emotional and sexual energy.
Solar Plexus Chakra Rollerball-
Heart Chakra Rollerball-
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
Check out our new Just Peachy Organic Body Oil. Peaches are great for Protection, longevity, luck, vitality, love, wishes, banishing. Wear this oil daily to receive these qualities.
This oil contains strawberry quartz & peridot crystals.
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