“Hello Beautiful”Glamour Candles (6)
$75.55 usd
Do you want to enhance your beauty, femininity, confidence and self love? Use this candle on a Friday while setting your intentions for more beauty and love in your life.
Directions: Write your petition and place it underneath a saucer then place the candle on top. Burn on a Friday.
Use this kit to increase the sexual chemistry between you and your partner or to increase your sexuality. Burn the penis shaped candle before or during lovemaking to increase the energy between you and your partner. Burn the incense & set the stage for a magickal night of love making.
Don’t have a mate? Burn this candle on a Friday night with the incense, to increase the love for self as you masturbate with one of our Yoni wands. Be intentional to manifest your desires.
Kit includes:
(1) Red penis shaped candle dressed with oils, herbs, florals & blessed with loving intentions
(1) Pack of Love incense
(1) Pack of Rose Quartz/Carnelian crystal chips to ring around the penis
Want things to go better in your life? Need life to be sweeter to you? Start burning this candle DAILY on a Friday after a new moon. Life will start to become sweeter and things will start going in your favor.
Directions: Write your petition (what you want) and place it underneath your candle. Start burning this candle daily after a new moon, starting on Friday. After candle is done burning, you can save the wax or toss it. Repeat the spell with a new candle to keep life sweet.
Want your love life to be sweeter? Want to love yourself more? Want to bring more love into your life? Sign up for our organic community honey jar spell. Write your petition, include your first & last name & birthdate. Email it to [email protected]
Your petition will be added to the jar along with organic oils, herbs, crystals & florals. A dressed candle will be added to the top of the candle & burned once or twice a week over the course of 30 days on BeGood Organix Community
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
Burn this candle on a Friday to attract a loving, affectionate man or enhance the love in a current relationship.
Directions: Write your petition then get a saucer or our altar plate & place the petition underneath the saucer or tray, place the candle on top of the saucer of tray. Burn on a Friday. Once candle is dove burning you can save the wax and petition or discard.
**You can also burn this on top of your honey jar or intentional jar.
If you love Strawberries Wild, you’re gonna love these new taper candles. Literally 3 single burn candles (our single burn candles are 4 inches) in one! Use this taper candle to attract your desires.
Directions: Write your desires on a piece of paper, then place your candle on top of it on a saucer or our Altar tray. Burn on a Thursday, Friday, or Sunday after a new moon.
Do you want to know where you stand in the love department? Want to know what’s going on in your relationship? Book a one on one love reading with Mercedes. She will pull your cards and let you know what steps you need to take to bring more love into your life.
Pay here then text 323.479.8777 or 323.362.3362 for an appointment. Please leave your name, email & when texting. All readings are scheduled within 48-72hrs after payment has been received (Mon-Fri) If payment is made Fri-Sun (Weekend) My Assistant or myself will get back to you by Weds (48-72hrs) You will then be given the next available time. All readings are done via FaceTime or IG Video
***Due to the high demand of this service, readings are being booked out 1-2 weeks at this time. Please be patient.***
*No refunds. If your session has to be rescheduled due to unforeseen circumstances, there will be no refunds. Your session will be rescheduled ONE time ONLY. You have up to 30 days to complete your reading. Anything after 30 days will be considered a pay it forward donation to our store fund.
Need your man to be passionate & loving & affectionate? Need more passion in the bedroom? Want to attract a more loving and passionate mate? Use this candle on a Friday after a new moon to have your mate express more love & care for you.
Directions: Write your petition, then place it underneath the candle. Burn on a Friday after a new moon.
Introducing “Intentional Travel Tubes”. These tubes are dressed the same way we dress our candles. Just place your petition inside the tube and shake daily to assist in manifesting your desires.
Take this Intentional Tube on the go in your car, purse, pocket, etc.
Burn this candle after a new moon, on a Friday to attract love or make a current relationship more loving.
Write your petition & place it underneath the candle.
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
Enhance the love in a current relationship to turn to marriage, intensify the love in a current marriage, or use to attract a husband or wife.
Carry the talisman to keep your marriage strong or attract marriage
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
Rose Quartz is the stone of universal love. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace.
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
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