Fluorite Keychain
$15.55 usd
Fluorite Associations
Chakras – Heart chakra, throat chakra
Zodiac – Capricorn , Pisces
Element – Air, Water
Numerical Vibration – Number 7
Typical colours – Colourless, white, purple, blue, blue-green, green, yellow, brownish-yellow, pink or red.
Healing with Fluorite
♥ Truth ♥ Consciousness ♥ Aura cleansing ♥ Intellect ♥ Protection
Fluorite cleanses and stabilises the aura. It absorbs and neutralises negative energy and stress. An excellent learning aid, Fluorite increases our powers of concentration, self-confidence and helps us in decision-making. It encourages positivity, balances the energies, and improves balance and coordination, both physically and mentally.
Fluorite boosts the immune system and stimulates the regeneration and restructuring of cells and DNA, particularly in the skin and respiratory tract, and heals ulcers and wounds. Fluorite strengthens bone tissue, and alleviates rheumatism, arthritis and spinal injuries. It improves the discomfort of shingles and other nerve-related pain.
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CompareOrganic Bar Soap includes:
–Matcha Green Tea/Peppermint
-Activated Charcoal
(1) Wooden Soap Saver
Sweetgrass– Sweet grass has proven to be a sacred, powerful plant believed by many to dispel negative energy, elicit emotional strength, and engage our minds and senses.
Patchouli– Patchouli is said to attract prosperity & dispels negativity to promote good dreams. Energetically, Patchouli increases energy & attention in the sensory levels and the outer fields, causing the spiritual self to drop into the physical body. Patchouli also slows down the sense of time perception, allowing one to better work in the realm of magick. This enchanting sweet & earthy scent is a popular ingredient used in spell-casting to draw in money, offer protection, defend against negative energies or evil intent. It holds true in the spiritual power of releasing, whether it be certain vibrations, addictions or banishing harmful people from one’s life. Patchouli is tied to the Earth element as well, bringing great grounding frequencies & enhancing focus, which is why it makes for such a great manifesting tool.
Peppermint– Peppermint’s magickal properties are associated with healing, purification, psychic powers, cleansing, consecration, dreams, happiness, healing, love, money, passion, prosperity, protection, psychic development, purification, release, renewal, rest, sleep Other magickal uses: Animals, divination, endings, energy, exorcism, good luck, grieving, spirit offering, success, transformation
Matcha Green Tea- Matcha uplifts the spirit and brings the mind and body into harmony, whilst nourishing your health. Japanese sages have known the wonderful health benefits of Matcha and its impact on mental well-being for centuries. Closely intertwined with Zen Buddhism and mindfulness, Matcha green tea appeals to our ruminative nature in every way possible. It has long been regarded as a key element of the Way of the Tea which was all about rituals to emphasise mindfulness and spirituality.
Activated Charcoal & Clove- Activated Charcoal is known for its cleansing and protective abilities and is used to render a harmful situation neutral.
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
Place a heart as the center of a crystal grid to include loving energy with your intention. Pyrite is a very protective stone, shielding the user from negative energy of all kinds. … Working with the Solar Plexus Chakra, Pyrite is helpful for those having trouble with will-power, anxiety, and/or commitment. Pyrite encourages new ways of thinking and looking at the world. If you continue to do the same things, you will get the same results, so if you want to achieve different outcomes, Pyrite will help you change your thoughts and behavior.
Pyrite is a protective stone and will act almost like a personal bodyguard, deflecting negative energies and keeping your auric field free from negative or harmful vibrations.
It will protect you from energy leaks, and it can help mend auric tears.
Pyrite will enhance your willpower during challenging times, and it will support you in actions and decisions that are necessary for your success and growth.
This stone will make you feel inspired more often. You will remain grounded, even if many things are happening in your life that are draining your energy. That inspiration will feel like you’re striking gold for real at times! If you work in an environment where ideas are crucial, Pyrite can do much to help get your creative juices flowing.
Better still, Pyrite can help you to articulate and communicate these new ideas clearly and concisely. Better yet, they more often than not lead to recognition, acclaim, or financial gains as they come to fruition.
This stone can also help you enhance your powers of persuasion and make you more magnetic to people overall. People will be drawn to you and willing to listen to your ideas and opinions when carrying a piece of Pyrite with you.
Includes (7) organic pink Himalayan salt chunks just drop (1) chunk in your bath whenever you need a spiritual auric cleanse
Many people believe that the detoxifying effect of the salt bath is equivalent to that of a 3-day fast. When you sit in a salt bath, the Himalayan salt detoxes your body and energy field, releasing toxins and negative energy into the bath water. At the same time, the beneficial minerals of the salt are absorbed through the skin. The salt contains over 84 minerals and elements to help reduce acidity and inflammation in your body. Using these Himalayan salt rocks helps to balance the pH level of your skin, increases blood circulation and improves the look and feel of your skin—your skin will be glowing after your bath! You would think that after bathing in salt, your skin would feel very dry, but it is actually quite the opposite. The salt promotes cell regeneration and moisture retention, helping to repair dry and irritated skin.
Himalayan salt bath benefits include energetically purifying and rejuvenating your personal energy field and aura, repairing any holes in the aura and removing any blockages. It promotes spiritual, mental and emotional balance by purifying your body of negativity. The Himalayan salt bath benefits can also help to regulate sleep and relieve stress, which will encourage an overall sense of harmony within your day to day life. When you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, stressed and energetically heavy, try a Himalayan salt bath! You will feel much lighter and calmer afterwards.
Since this is an energy cleansing bath, we recommend showering before so that you are not mixing any soap or shampoo in your bath. Fill your bathtub with 4-5 inches of water, and then add your Himalayan salt rocks. Stir the bath water around until the salt is mostly dissolved. Fill the tub up fully. When you get into your detox you want to submerge as much of your body as you can for around 20-30 minutes. Sip your water throughout your bath so you do not feel dehydrated afterwards. After your time is up, make sure that you do not rinse off; just allow your skin to dry naturally or gently pat dry. We also recommend that you rest for 20-30 minutes after your bath, as these baths are quite powerful!
Some people like to sync their salt baths with the lunar cycle, as they are said to be the most powerful during a Full Moon and New Moon. Bathing with Himalayan salt rocks during a full moon is very healing, as the healing potential is at its max and mineral absorption is optimized. During a new moon, the cleansing energy is at its peak, so your body has a higher potential of completely detoxifying itself. But salt baths are healing and detoxifying at anytime!
Himalayan Salt Metaphysical Properties
Himalayan Salt is also known as ‘Pink Halite’ and yes, it is a form of (edible) crystal. It has many metaphysical properties and benefits.
Himalayan Crystal Mineral Salt has very similar properties to Rose Quartz and is an excellent crystal for love especially self-love. It not only helps one to experience self-love, but also, to take action and do things that self-love implies, for example; finding sense of purpose, to live a healthier lifestyle, learning to say ‘no’, or to take time for personal recreation and enjoyment.
For centuries pure salt has been used for protection; protection from evil, especially protection in and around the home. Salt is also used for purification, cleansing and dispelling negativity in many magical and traditional rituals. Pure Salts are also used to release attachments, including emotional attachments. It is recommended that those who work in environments of negativity or indirect communication, keep a piece of Pink Halite (Himalayan Salt) on their desk or nearby – in the form of a lamp is best.
Himalayan crystal Mineral Salt has gentle, but strong grounding and centering energies and is said to bring abundance and prosperity into a home.
As a powerful crystal for both psychic protection and cleansing dark energy, Pink Himalayan Salt is an affordable and easy-to-use solution for getting rid of heavy energy that’s weighing you down. In this exercise with Pink Himalayan Salt, I demonstrate how you can use the magnetic qualities of this stone to draw harmful energy from within your heart chakra so you can relax and detox after a hard day.
Most of us aren’t even conscious to how much psychic waste we absorb from the atmosphere throughout the day, including the negative energy of our friends, family members, coworkers and everyone else we encounter. Carrying a piece of Pink Himalayan Salt is a simple and highly effective way to stay grounded and psychically shield yourself from taking on the energy of others, especially those who are negative! This stone’s soft rosy color is also excellent for restoring balance in the heart chakra and promoting a sense of inner calm and self-love.
Pyrite can help to forge an energetic connection between the Root, Solar Plexus, and Third Eye Chakras, which helps to bring ideas from the higher self down through the seat of the will, and ground it into reality. Pyrite is often used in prosperity rituals, due to its stimulating energies of manifestation. Pyrite has long been valued as a strong protection stone that shields the wearer from negative energy as well as environmental pollutants. Thus, this stone helps promote physical well-being as well. Pyrite is one of the best feng shui stones for attracting the energy of wealth and abundance (another popular crystal for wealth is citrine)
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
(1) Smudge Stick wrapped in-
Organic White Sage
Roses Red and Pink
Flowers. We add baby’s breath or forever flowers when we have the materials available.
Wrapped in Twine
Energy cleansing
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
Check out our new Just Peachy Organic Body Wash. Peaches are great for Protection, longevity, luck, vitality, love, wishes, banishing. Wash with this daily to receive these qualities. Pairs well with our Just peachy body oil.
Use this spray to keep the vibes light and clear negative energy in places you can’t smudge. People will be nicer to you or leave you alone completely. Can spray on your body or in your atmosphere. Great for negative home and work environments. Great to use if you travel. You can smudge your hotel or Air B N B.
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
Pyrite is a powerful protection stone which shields and protects against all forms of negative vibrations and/or energy, working on the physical, etheric, and emotional levels. It stimulates the intellect and enhances memory, helping to recall relevant information when needed. Pyrite is particularly stimulating to the Third, or Solar Plexus Chakra, the energy distribution center and the chakra of relationships. This chakra is located between the ribcage and navel, and controls the immune and digestive systems. Traditionally, Pyrite is known as a stone of luck, helping to attract abundance, wealth and prosperity to the user, via its creative energies of manifestation, and its encouragement of following one’s dreams. … Pyrite also promotes good physical health and emotional well-being
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
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