Cleansing Spell
$101.11 usd
Need to cleanse? Feel like you’re blocked in life? Sign up for this group spell. BeGood Spiritual Lounge Community Spell After you have paid for my group spells please email : [email protected] with the following: Full name, Birthday Brief REALISTIC Petition (what you want) (example (I will have a new good paying job) This group service is only for 50 people Secure your spot now.
Ready to take your business to the next level? Want to increase your sales? Get more clients? Want to start a business? Sign up for this Better Business spell. Please email [email protected] with the following:
- Proof of purchase
- First & Last name
- Full Birth date (ex. 01/01/2003)
- Petition: Your desires. What you would like (No screenshots please. Text only)
Ritual will be done on IG live at 9:35pm Cali time.
Happy Super Full Moon in Capricorn! This is the most powerful full moon of 2022! So of course I’m doing a community prosperity ritual. What do you desire? What do you want to manifest in the next 6 months to a year?? Sign up for the ritual to put good energy behind your intentions.
Directions: Pay here. Then send your petition (your desires) to [email protected].
Ritual will be done on Instagram live at 9:35pm (Cali time)
Feel like you have blockage? Need doors opened for you to attract money and abundance? Participate in this community spell. Include your full name, birthday & petition in an email and send it to [email protected]
Spell will be done any time after a new moon.
We’re getting into the holiday spirit with a 14 day money spell. Sign up here for this spell. Then send your petition (your desires, with your first and last name & birth date to [email protected]).
Spell will start Sunday and go on for 14 days.
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
Do you want to be successful? Do you need success at work or school? Sign up for this ritual to bring success to your life. Want to be successful in all that you do? Want to get acknowledgment at work? Want to be victorious & manifest prosperity? Their ritual is designed to help you attain goals and for overall success. Starting a new business endeavor or project? Seeking a new job, a promotion, a new home, or have a presentation at work or school? This is the ritual for you! Use it for any intention; relationships, a new car, a trip. It helps you focus your intentions to manifest your goals.
Directions: Pay here, then send your petition to [email protected]
Ritual will be posted on Patreon.
Click Here
Do you want me to continue burning the candle for you after the group spell is over? Upgrade to the (7) day Money Candle burn.
After the regular spell is done, I will keep your petition underneath the candle & let the candle burn for an additional 7 days. More burn days means more movement toward money & open doors.
After paying please email [email protected] with your full name & proof of purchase.
The new moon in Scorpio brings a solar eclipse, magnifiying the effects of the astrological energies and bringing awareness and change.
While the energies of Eclipse Season can often be highly transformative, there is a gentle rhythm to this Eclipse.
Venus, the planet of love, beauty, relationships, and money is highly active at this time, helping to open, awaken, and expand our heart center. With our heart center expanded and open, we may find a focus on our relationships. We may also feel more inspired, more open to receiving abundance, and more inclined to find the beauty in things.
Sign up for this ritual if you’d like to attract wealth, beauty, love & positivity to you.
Want to go into this New Year & decade spiritual clean? Need help letting go of addiction? Sign up for our community cleanse. Pay for this spell then send your petition (What you want to [email protected]). Please include the following:
Name: First & Last
Birthday: Date, Month & Year
Sample petition: Please cleanse me of negative energy
If this is for an addiction here is a sample petition: God please help make me conquer this drug & alcohol addiction. Give me peace in my life once again.
Spell will be performed on BeGoodorganix Instagram page in the month of January
Want life to be sweeter? Want to bring more money, love & prosperity into your life? Sign up for our organic community honey jar spell. Write your petition, include your first & last name & birthdate. Email it to [email protected]
Your petition will be added to the jar along with organic oils, herbs, crystals & florals. A dressed candle will be added to the top of the candle & burned once or twice a week over the course of 30 days on BeGood Organix Community altar.
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