14 Day Blue Miracle Healing Candle
$151.11 usd
Miracle Healing 14 Day Candle
Healing of the body and spirit, Intended to help you in kicking depression, addiction, and other such ailments, this jar candle is a powerful addition to your healing spells and rituals.
Directions: Write your petition then place it underneath the candle. Burn daily to bring healing.
Looking to live a more luxurious life? Burn these candles starting on a Thursday & every day afterwards to attract more money and luxury to you.
Directions: Write your petition then place it underneath a tea light, burn daily to attract a luxurious life.
Use this candle to allegedly remove blocks and open doors to wealth and favor.
Write your desires on a piece of paper along with your first, last name & full birthday. Place the paper underneath the candle. Light candle on a Thursday or Sunday. (Do not burn candle unattended)
(6) Mini Dressed Taper candles
Allegedly use these candles to bring more love & attraction to you
Great to use alone or inside the travel case or on top of your personal honey jar.
Use these candles to protect you & help you cope with Mercury retrograde.
Directions: Write your desires on a piece of paper & place it underneath a saucer. Place the candle on top & burn on a Saturday or whenever you need peace & protection.
Use this candle to get a job, get a raise or keep your job. Also great for obtaining new customers if you own a business.
Directions: Write your petition then place it underneath the candle. Burn on a Thursday.
Are you ready for prosperity in your life? Use my personal favorite candles that have changed MY life. I burn these candles every month.
~ Mercedes (Owner of BeGood Organix & Bruja of 21 years)
First burn the Open Road Candle after a new moon, then follow up with the Mr. Money candle on a Thursday. Be sure to include your petition & place it underneath the candle.
Let the candle burn through
(Do not leave it unattended. Snuff the flame when you are not around it & relight the candle to continue the spell when you can keep an eye on it)
If you love Strawberries Wild, you’re gonna love these new taper candles. Literally 3 single burn candles (our single burn candles are 4 inches) in one! Use this taper candle to attract your desires.
Directions: Write your desires on a piece of paper, then place your candle on top of it on a saucer or our Altar tray. Burn on a Thursday, Friday, or Sunday after a new moon.
Want Success in life & love? Want to attract more money & loving vibrations? Want meaningful friendships & relationships? Allegedly burn this candle on a Thursday, Friday, or Sunday after a new moon with your petition (your desires) placed underneath the candle.
Allow the candle to burn for 7 days. Do not leave candle burning unattended. When candle is finished burning, you may place it in a brown paper bag, break it, then throw in the trash.
(6) Mini Dressed Taper candles
Allegedly use these candles to bring more money & abundance to you.
Great to use alone or inside the travel case or on top of your personal honey jar.
Lions Gate portal is open & peaks on the 8th. Use this candle on the 8th in conjunction with our community Lion’s Gate spell, to maximize your manifestations over the next 6 months.
***Do not order anything else with this candle. It ships next day.***
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
Allegedly use this candle to attract money to you. Write your petition (desires) on a piece of paper with your first, last name and birthdate. Then place your petition underneath the candle and burn on a Thursday or Sunday after a new moon to attract money to you.
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