Herkimer Diamond Chakra Healing and Balancing Energy. Herkimer Diamond, with its pure, crystal light, clears the chakras, opening channels for spiritual energy to flow. It stimulates conscious attunement to the highest level, and is particularly helpful in activating and opening the Crown and Third Eye Chakras.
Classed as the most powerful of quartz crystals that amplifies the power of other stones in use, Herkimer diamonds are considered to have a therapeutic effect on the mind and body, transmitting energy and ampliying spiritual energy.
Herkimer Diamonds are beautiful and powerful high vibration crystals, that boost clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities.
They are ascension stones, and they will take you to the highest spiritual vibration possible while still being in your physical body.
It is blissful stone to use during meditation! The purity and beauty of the energy of these crystals may draw angelic beings and higher spirit guides to it. You may find that you start connecting to angels.
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