Featured Products

  • $101.11

    Ready to nurture your inner child? Come on out and celebrate our CEO’s 44th birthday. The theme is 80’s arcade. If you know Mercedes, you know she loves old school arcade games. A true 80’s baby.

    Organic food (vegan, vegetarian & meat) & an Open Bar will be available.
    A goodie bag will be given (arrive on time)

    Date, Time & location will be given after booking. Please text the Be Good line at 323.362.3362 with proof of purchase and full name. If you are bringing someone, additional tickets need to be purchased. Please disclose the amount of tickets you’ve purchased.

    Dress code: 80’s attire. Arcade screen print tees welcome. Please come dressed according to the theme.

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • $101.11 usd

    Do you want people to be sweet to you and ON you? Do you want to attract love, good luck and money? Get one of our new Organic Strawberry Sugar jars.

    Directions: Write your petition then place it inside the jar. Burn the mini candles on it daily or weekly to activate the spells. Shake jar daily.
    Strawberries Wild mini candles & Money drawing candles pair well with this jar spell.

    Jar comes with (3) mini candles

    Strawberry Petition Sample:

    First and last name:

    Full birth date: M/D/Y

    Petition: I welcome good luck, unconditional love & an overflow of money into my life. My life is sweet. My life is good. Good luck finds me. I love my life and the people in it. This is a lucky, love filled summer indeed. I’m so happy! Amen

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

  • SALE-80%
    Sold Out
    Original price was: $125.55.Current price is: $25.55. usd

    When we post new candles and products, they usually stay in our office. Well now it’s time to clean out the office, so we are having a sample sale. A few lucky people will be able to purchase these samples at a discounted price. We will pick the candle. All of the candles  focus on wealth, abundance, open road, money, etc. Retail price for each candle is $125.55 & up.

    Candle will be picked randomly. We cannot guarantee which candle you will receive.

    **If ordering more than (3) candles, please send an additional $14.99 for shipping for each (3) candle order. You can also place (3) separate orders.

    AVAILABILITY: Out of stock

  • Original price was: $225.55.Current price is: $133.33.

    As we embrace Summer, it’s only right that we do a Strawberry Sugar Jar spell. Strawberries are great for love, luck, attraction & more. Sugar makes things sweeter. So we’re combining them to bring sweet luck and love to you for the next 30 days.

    Directions: Sign up here then send your petition to begoodspells@gmail.com. Spell will start on our Instagram live, Sunday 6/23 & continue until 7/23.

    Strawberry Petition Sample:

    First and last name:

    Full birth date: M/D/Y

    Petition: I welcome good luck, unconditional love & an overflow of money into my life. My life is sweet. My life is good. Good luck finds me. I love my life and the people in it. This is a lucky, love filled summer indeed. I’m so happy! Amen

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

Welcome to BeGood Organix

Are your ready to Be Good?

Do Good. Be Good.

3 Minute Mediation

Slow down





Get into Nature

Align from within.



Meditation 101

Meditation is an approach to training the mind, similar to the way that fitness is an approach to training the body. But many meditation techniques exist — so how do you learn how to meditate? “In Buddhist tradition, the word ‘meditation’ is equivalent to a word like ‘sports’ in the U.S. It’s a family of […]

Money Magic Spells

How to attract money and manifest abundance Although money is not necessary for you to experience things, money and freedom mean the same thing for most people. And at core of who we are, there is an awareness of our right to freedom, which is why our relationship to money is one of the main […]

About Mercury Retrograde

You may have heard friends say, “Oh, no – Mercury is about to retrograde again!†If you don’t know astrology, you may have wondered what they were talking about. Of all planetary aspects, this one seems to garner the most attention from readers, and it certainly generates the most mail. The reason for their interest […]


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So on Monday I purchased Powerball tickets. And I just noticed the money roller here. So I put some under my left breast and both hands. Lite some incense. Something told me to check this morning, and guess what, I won $107.00. I don’t care what they say, you are the truth! Thank you very much! I will be buying more and making a donation. You can’t forget the helping hands.

S. Johnson


Hi, I just wanted to express my gratitude for your services, also I wanted to share my update to enlighten your followers. I participated in this month’s money spell. This was my first money spell. Its been a few days, and I have received $50, $200 and another $200 randomly. I have had friends offer to give me gifts etc. Thank you so much for this, this makes me believe in you more! Much love, keep doing what you are doing, I appreciate you so much.

T. Lester
